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About Dicer

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    Rookie Hunter

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  1. 1155mm with a silencer or 1075mm with Muzzel break according to Hullcartidge
  2. Help I'm getting confused with first and second zero points, I get the bit about the scope points slightly down in relation to the barrel so it can intersect the flight of the pellet, and that the pellets path goes through the line of the scope twice which give a first and second zero point. My question is when I zero in my scope at say 30 yards is that the first zero point or second.
  3. I wonder what the homemade DIY versions will be made from, I can picture people wondering about in the dark with wires coming from their eyes to blue battery's from china strapped to their heads, Oh and maybe a small gun on top of their head that swivels to point at what your looking at.
  4. That's a nice neat job have you tried it yet, I'm still waiting for a couple of bits which are on the slow boat from China.
  5. Looks like it been driven over, can you complain.
  6. Cheers Jimmy The traps are working had half a dozen now but with the numbers of holes everywhere they are probably breeding faster than I'm killing them. I think I'm gonna have to sort out some sort of night vision and shoot as many as I can aswell.
  7. Cheers for the advice I've got a few traps out and have bought an oldish Daystate sportsman mk2 , haven't seen a rat since. I think if I want to shoot them I will need some sort of night vision.
  8. Hi I'm new to this forum hoping to pick up some tips on dealing with rats, I don't like poison especially as there is a healthy population of Owls around where I keep my hens and geese, I also thought I had just as well have some fun getting rid of them or at least keeping their numbers down.
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