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About ben10

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  • Birthday 06/11/1985

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  • Location
    west sussex

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  1. Wanted border terrier pups View Advert Looking for the above. I know I've missed this year, but looking for a bitch pup for next year. Must come from working stock. I'm based in Sussex but don't mind traveling. Can anybody planning on putting there dogs to litter next year please contact me via pm. Thanks Ben Advertiser ben10 Date 22/10/18 Price £1,000.00 Category
  2. Ferret kits View Advert Anybody selling any ferret kits around west Sussex. Pm me please Advertiser ben10 Date 28/08/18 Price £20.00 Category Ferreting Equipment  
  3. Im interested in the nets if there still up for grabs, any pics????
  4. After taking my jill to seal the deed over 6 weeks ago , as i have gained 3 news permissions worth over 3000 acres. so i thought i would need a few more ferrets hence puting the jill down for a mating session. but it turns out she didnt take and this has brought her out of season. so now im looking for kits around surrey or sussex are if anybody can help. I dont now if this is in the right place to put this. Thanks for looking Ben
  5. Alton towers has better rides , i would say its more for Adults.
  6. went out today for a session on some new permission, its a b+b with 350 acres and they want them gone asap, and maybay getting paid, but there 2 massive ditches , and the best way to do it is a drop net. so if anybody can give me a bit of info or is selling 1 that will be great
  7. Hi can anybody tell me the best place to buy a drop net, need about 200 yards. i know nothing about them. How are they triggerd and are they easy to set up, and more to the point does anybody still make them.??? Thanks Ben
  8. Dimorphic is the old term, there now called mosaic. 20 is a very good price , but it really depends on what type they were. yellow or red. but there are loads more. there yound should be easy to sex after they moult, with cocks have a stong mask that covers most of face and eyes. and hens just having faint markings around the eyes. but you can get a poorly marked cocked and stongly mask on a hen. i hopw this helps
  9. http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=c97_1389886596
  10. what sort of prices are you thinking, and will you post??
  11. i cant find the pics?????
  12. How long are the nets? and will you post them ?
  13. That good news Vin, im glad you can still enjoy the season
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