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Mr Muddy

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Everything posted by Mr Muddy

  1. No need to apologise mate. I’m no doubt jus being a miserable, grumpy b******d. Just interested to know peoples opinion on how much info to give away on forums just for the sake of it, that’s all. No offence meant.
  2. Mate, This obviously isn’t my site and it’s not up to me what people post on the net, but do you not think your customers (or more to the point my customers) plus a lot of have-a-go cowboys might be reading this? I’m sure we’re all terribly imprested with your mole catching knowledge but what is the point of publishing a ‘how to’ manual without anyone even asking for advice on the subject. This actually sounds an awful lot more argumentative than I meant it be, but surely I’ve got a point? What dose everyone else think?
  3. Having thought about it: If I was given this as a pest control job here’s what I’d do: Cordon off a section of the aviary. Put a nest box in the cordoned off part. Put a trap & a dead bird in the nest box. (not sure how big a nest box is. You might have to build one to fit the trap). I’m not saying this is the best solution (I rarely use live traps so I don’t know much about them) but it’s what I’d try myself. PS. Tragedy about your birds Mate.
  4. Mk4 Fenn Image blatantly stolen from http://gallowayfarm.wordpress.com
  5. There is a good article in the autumn NGO magazine about dealing with a raid by the Old Bill. I expect it covers a lot of the same ground as the RSPCA
  6. Thanks Mick, That was the sort of job I was thinking about. also thanks Chris for your advice.
  7. Coumatetralyl bait. It’s being sold in the UK as Romax Rat CP. It is supposed to reduce the risk of secondary poisoning (so it won’t kill cats, buzzards, that sort of thing). Has anyone tried this? Is it any good?
  8. You might find this ain’t the most productive place to put your advert mate. Good luck anyway.
  9. Sorry lads, I should have said; It’s a Glow-Worm (which is a sort of British firefly). We occasionally see them here on the South Downs. Here’s a shot of it with the flash on. You can see the glow worm better, but not as good a photo I don’t think.
  10. I took this at the end of August, the only one I saw this year. I’m only using a little compact camera so I’m pretty pleased with it.
  11. Thanks for the link mate I'll start having a read through the topic.
  12. Professional ringer yes? How did you get into that? sounds really interesting work.
  13. I once had a problem with cats crapping in the gap between my workshop and where I park my van. Bought some of the little brown repellent sticks with spikes to dig them into the ground from the DIY store. There called either ‘pest stop’ or ‘pet stop’ and they worked fine. Plan-B would have been rodent glue boards.
  14. If you charge the price you need to make an honest living and do the job well enough to get a referral or long term client you should be making at least some money. Qualifications can be worthless if your customers have never heard of them (unless you actually need the training). Too many trade association logos can make companies look like they‘re trying to compensate for something. Even relying on years of experience could leave someone buggered if they loose sight of current legislation (if anyone’s actually policing it). For my money the mark of a professional tradesman is someon
  15. Hi Mate, I did make the top bit for one once, not the whole stick I’m afraid. I know you’ve said you don’t have access to youtube but If you do get it here’s the links to the video I made of it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Doo_imUg0Y http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T5OecThbojA Good luck with your new hobby
  16. Nice photos. Where are you. Finland is it? What are the two fox type animals? raccoon dogs?
  17. Thanks for the welcome. I’ve just re-read your guidelines and happy to add a bit more of an introduction. Specifically joined for the Trapping & Pest Control sub forum as that’s part of my job. I do a fair bit of mole catching and can also get rid of rats, mice etc around anyone’s farm/stables. Sorry if that sounds a bit like an advert. Also like my country crafts and cooking so I expect I’ll be using the Country Interests section as well. Cheers.
  18. Caught these ones SCUBA diving with a mate up by Heathrow airport. Didn’t know about the purging, just boiled them and ate them. Tasted good though, and I didn’t get sick, so all good. Apparently the thing you need to make sure is that you’re definitely catching the ‘American’ ones, there are some smaller native ones but they’re rare and protected.
  19. Hello Mate, If you’re getting results with the Duffus traps then good luck to you, why change. I’m just up the road from Littlehampton, so if you want rid of the Trapline ones I’ll be happy to give you a couple of quid each for them.
  20. Hello there, Been looking at the site/forum for a little while now. About time I was polite and became a member.
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