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Everything posted by Mitchell1982

  1. ha ha ha I cant believe this is still going.......
  2. Gun in imaculate condition just needs seals replacing (£40 a any good gun smith) pm me if interested, would swap for strong black dog pup in wich case ill get the seals done before the swap
  3. Im no expert but I got advised to do this with my jack russle and it worked a treat........ Patch was a bit of a flower as a pup and I found a ratt trapped in an empty water butt in me back yard I asked me old man what to do with I (I was gunna shoot it and feed it to me ferrets) but he told me to drop me dog in....... He was 8months old then he's been keen as hell since like 13months now and just lives to be out hunting
  4. good kinda put me off a bit when I heard that was talking to my old boy today n he said the same as you so, I humbly stand corrected
  5. cheers corky and thanks every one who ask bout me dog bin to vets, got bloods xrays pain killers n antibiotics...... No blockages so just rest n meds he's not well at all but they said he should be ok!
  6. Well im intrigued now....... Could you explain these difference's, pro's ,and cons in laymans terms for me
  7. Cociddiosis excuse the spelling and Leptospirosis I dont think they can catch the first unless they eat the guts or you pop the guts while your gutting it but the second one is apparently spread therw the flesh aswell, but please im not a vet just concerned because ive been told
  8. Cociddiosis excuse the spelling and Leptospirosis I dont think they can catch the first unless they eat the guts or you pop the guts while your gutting it but the second one is apparently spread therw the flesh aswell, but please im not a vet just concerned because ive been told
  9. Id watch out with the rabbit there are four or five really nasty infections dogs can pick up from rabbit.
  10. Keep yer chin up n just keep knocking ive just got a couple of thousand acers and keeps growing as the guy trusts me more and introduced me to his neighbor's, and it turn out to be a farm I allways over looked a stones throw away from my house with only a couple of acres but when I eventually collard the farmer he had land all over you'll get somthing eventually ATB
  11. Oh and in the time it's taken you guys to not sort your differences out...... My dog has developed a very nasty kidney and liver infection this is why im up at this time ive been nursing my dog all night he's going in tomoro and to be fair I dont know if he'll come back
  12. Two of ma boys small one is six got his first bunnies after the dog showed him a mark!
  13. Dont suppose there's a chance off you giving me one of those????
  14. Wow there great looking dogs!!!!!! I want one!!!!!
  15. To be fair ive got a 10 shot p.c.p air arms s200 mk1 sat in the cupboard that never gets used..... Needs the seals changing on it but never the less is still worth £250 so I may aswell just get the terrier locator for added security. And thanks terryd I always do
  16. It only goe's to 16ft though is that deep enough????? Because th terrier one goes to 40ft
  17. Hi guys over the year, well from being a boy ive been and avid air gunner and ferreter but as ive got my self a jack russle last year and given how keen he is with only me teaching him commands and him then taking the rain's and showing me what he wants to do I been left wanting........ Im very wet behind the ears when it comes to terrier work as youll all know from me frist post! Ratting and marking he picked up very easy but Im lacking on how to make the transition to proper terrier work and would like any input from you seasoned lads on any books DVD's or any wher I can suck up information
  18. Oh and I obviously mean the debben terrier locator
  19. One final thing though lads with my dogs new found enthusiasm to bolt down holes im looking for a locator colar the debben is probley the one in my price range I already have the debben ferret locators but I was wondering if this is a good choice or can I get a better one in the same price range?
  20. No worries fellas as a newbie to the sight its giving me a real insight to be fair ive enjoyed the crack..... I think its starting to get slightly heated with you to now, just remember I asked for your opinions and now I have them there's no need to fall out over it
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