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Everything posted by bugg

  1. Airgun gear show on you tube has a positive review quite funny too
  2. I had a hatsan once. ........only once tho imo the gamo cf30 under leaver is a much better rifle and that's poor, but I'll stick with my r10 and s410 ;-)
  3. My wife has an ultra se and loves it,
  4. I use a tracer 1000 usually, but last night I went onto a 100 instead and took the 1000 in my pocket to shine round with so I could keep the gun on my shoulder the t100 is so much lighter and a quarter of the size but for a small torch I was surprised how good it is,
  5. I have one available if anybody needs one
  6. My 100s would only shoot bis mags well, nothing else was even close!
  7. Get I had an r10 mk2 upgraded from my s410, it lasted a short while and 2 trips back to BSA and they still couldnt sort the thing, pile of crap mine was, so I upgraded again, a hw100s, well it was ok, I like .177 but the only pellet it would shoot was bis mags and I couldn't get on with that out in the field as it was too damn heavy, so I upgraded again, to a pre at s410, may just be me but they are the best rifle on the market and are an all time classic,
  8. I made a set well 2 actually one for the wife as well from the huntersvermin youtube; £12 total and they work spot on, anything more expensive would have to be something real special because so fat my 6 quid set do everything my friends £99 ones do in as much as they hold the gun firm,
  9. Who's this? IV missed on the gossip side,thought ratworks had a good rep
  10. I take my stock of even if it was drizzle, only 2 bolts so why not, surprising how damp it gets under there, I dont buy gun oils, cheap versions of wd40 are perfect for the job and many others,pellets, my local range sells them, £7 for aa fields and jsb's and nig will order what you want,
  11. I digress, went up the range today and it decides it likes exact 4.52 now, great for me as I like the pellet and have a ton of them from the aa days
  12. After last spring and early summer the rabbits in one of my big farms were dwindling, so I made the decision to ferret it once through this winter and let it be, I stopped shooting it in July last year and ferreted it in early October with pretty medioker results, but I'm glad I did, I'm seeing rabbit numbers building quickly again, from 4pm theyre out and about and I probably see 20 or so whilst I'm out and about in the tractor, question is how long can I resist ha, the pigeons are as usual back in force on the drilling so I'll have a crack at those little chaps over the weekend now a bit of
  13. Mine will only shoot bis mags accurately, oh how I miss my s410
  14. Not nessesarily veg crop, I turned over last years spring barley this week had a break for rotation change, ploughing the fodder beat tomorow, anyway.... Take a couple boxes of rice crispies with you, in my experience nothing works better on ploughing, if you can get near a tree even better, good luck
  15. I would assume a mm gap in the stock may cause you problems,the rifle will probably be able to jump around in it or slacken the stock bolts. Have you shot it like it is? How was the accuracy if you have? I may be wrong but if its not right I dont think itl work properly
  16. Will that fit an airmax tho? It looks different to mine
  17. Hi all. Does anyone know if hawke or any other aftermarket company make a smaller side wheel? I can't get my mag in with it on but it would be easier to use with a smaller wheel
  18. Let them spend more time seeing each other through the bars, strange why they dont like one dog but ok with the other,
  19. bugg


    I gutted one yesterday with four inside it, we have only had 3 frosty nights this winter, last night being one of them,hard going down this way still,
  20. If that cures it good stuff,
  21. I was having a conversation with a no it all neighbour yesterday, and his version of the 2 of these guns definition I'm not convinced is correct, iv googled both and can't make sense of what he was saying, could someone who knows explain please, also twist barrels? A smooth barrel with 4 inches of rifling just at the end? No sure about that either....
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