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John Kirton

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About John Kirton

  • Rank
    Born Hunter

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  • Interests
    Running Dog's,LongDogs,Lamping..

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  1. same way as before,gallery,upload,then choose file,choose pic then right click on mouse(pad)goto open as,then paint..on paint screen press resize,i changed it from 100 to 10..save it then back to choose file screen pic photo and upload..i had to do every photo separetly but it worked..good luck fella.
  2. Sussed it lads.resized photo's,works a treat.Thanks again.
  3. thanks for the help chaps,going to give it a try.cheers.
  4. Haha,snap Noddy.im crap with this techno stuff.
  5. Thanks Paulus,do you resize them on my camera or the laptop?Cheer's.
  6. when trying to upload pic;s its says(error not enough space)but ive only got one photo in my gallery.any help welcome.Cheer's.
  7. Thank's Chap's,Great site youve got here,quality..Been chatting with folk already and getting some really useful help,advice and information.i look forward to enjoying the rest of the site.Cheer's John,
  8. Hello there all.I'm new to the site and not very computer wise so please bare with me,im interest in all forms of Hunting but mainly in Working Longdog's/Lurcher's.Ive worked dog's now for nigh on 25yrs,started off with terriers then moved to running dogs about 15 yr ago.i have a Border terrier in at the minute but he's used as a busher.A 7yr old Deer/Grey.Dam-Platts Bitch,Sire-Deer/Grey from a good local working lurcherman,works night and day..At the back end of October i took on a 10mth 3/4 Deer,1/4 Grey dog Sired by Trevor Cook's Wallace and one of his first cross Deer/Grey bitches,stands 2
  9. Hello there all,i too am new to the site not very computer wise,but i'll give it a go anyway.im interested in the working lurcher,running dog side of hunting although ive enjoyed air rifle shooting since an early age..ive worked dogs now for nigh on 25 years,started out with terriers then changed to lurchers about 15 years back.i still have a Border terrier but just use it for daytime bushing.ive a 7yr old Deer/Grey Dam.Platt bitch,SireDeer/Grey from a good local Lurcherman works day and night..at the back end of October i took on a 10mth 3/4 Deer,1/4 Grey Sired by Trevor Cooks Wallace,and one
  10. Go on his profile then gallery john, if you don't mind me asking what did you pay for the pup cant seem to get on his profile?£..@9mth..
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