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Everything posted by random

  1. 'ey up lads been a while as I've been rushed off me feet but fook me what a thread to come back to,the praise you get for these projects Mac is well earned,most of us will never undertake such a restoration and I guess you enjoy doing them more than we can know and for sure the process looks much more simple than it really is,keep em comin as they make a good read
  2. Pretty much what I think when reading these threads,looks and sounds easy but it's far from it,when they are broken down into step by step though it gives a better understanding of what goes on but still doesn't show exactly how much time and effort go into it,the satisfaction at the end no doubt makes every second worth it,even the joy of doing the work is clear...
  3. Nice mixed bag,and a bag,boom boom,good haul though and a successful hunt...
  4. Nice couple of rabbit and a bit more perm as a bonus,did one fall into water by any chance?
  5. You get people drooling when you've bagged half a dozen or couple of squirrel,this is just top level pest control,must of spent half your day just bloody reloading!
  6. Sweet rifle,never used one in .177 though,but calibre aside its one of the most popular air rifles there is and for good reason,let's have pics and updates when you start pellet testing and shooting with it...
  7. Like waiting outside warrens,real shitter when you can't find them,especially when you want to cook it,did you sit in the same spot for the pigeons mark or move about for them?
  8. Like a bit of trout myself,nice when they come out spot on,makes all the prep and effort worth it,good deal with the chimney there as well,nice...
  9. Here is the wine now,clearing and stabilising... Not as clear as I'd expected but pretty good so far,might need racking again before bottling...
  10. Here's the wine now,clearing and stabilising... A few more weeks and it'll be bottled,then can be drank but I'll be leaving most to age a bit...
  11. First things I noticed,open sights? and the dog,I have one too,hunting posts with pics,nice one keep 'em coming...
  12. My last four or more outings have been a complete waste of time really, yes I do get out! Not even posted on here,walk around in bad weather and blank,there you go,all of 'em! I blame the weather but me being lazy hasn't helped,having one pinched off you is probably worse than blanking somehow? As said before the usual suspects took it off track,least you got our and bagged one between you
  13. Sun on your back,stuff in the bag and confidence in your kit,nice one
  14. Hw100,rapid,super10,s410 and fn12,not really my top 5 but all spring to mind and are all good...
  15. Blue and rust remover? Or tin foil rubbed over the rust is supposed to bring it off,then need to re blue the area...
  16. I love rock and roll by the arrows??
  17. The Monday's/kongos one well done man that's an overlooked one...
  18. True and in better condition than described I think,worth the £100 or so quid it'll cost to get it sparkling!
  19. The way he's going Mac could be the man you need to talk to...
  20. Stick some pics up let's see a £300 1993 rapid and what needs doing to restore it,purely being nosey but no doubt others will want a look as well...
  21. Well done that man,another gesture which deserves more than a few pats on the back from strangers on a public forum!! Joking aside Mac that is as good as an smk can get is it not? Polished and lubed and the stock stripped and refinished,I'd be willing to bet that's better than just about anything to come out of their factory,a polished turd it may well be but it will be the bees knees to someone...
  22. Have you got pics mark of the spot you shoot and your hide etc,interested to see that...
  23. Patience paid off on this perm then,now you might have a steady supply to keep going back to,keep you in meat and the numbers "down" for the owner
  24. Must be nice to have those set ups to choose from as well
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