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Everything posted by random

  1. You earned those rabbits! Good bag in the end.
  2. Every trip out is worth it,more or less!but when you feel like you got a good rabbit to time ratio makes it seem very worth it,good few dinners bagged and some fresh air,spot on
  3. 18" x9" x8" approx is the one I've just about made...
  4. Been considering one of these style carriers,do they hold game ok when you put it down can they come loose and stuff fall out? They do look good though and things you make yourself are always satisfying somehow I feel...
  5. Looks like a dream day out there and good numbers as well,hope you make the most of it...
  6. I clear holes by putting my hand in just past the stuff causing the obstruction (usually leaves and twigs) and drag it out and throw it just behind me,anything then that looks like a snag would be removed and the net down,so I wouldn't say they are cleaned thoroughly which keeps disturbances down and uses a bit less time,to answer the original q I would say probably doesn't matter too much but each to their own... Not always the best technique when you stick your hand straight into some stingers!!
  7. Just looked at mine and he is about from the crease of my elbow to my finger tip and I can just get my thumb and middle finger around his ribs,I would say he is bigish especially now he is dressed in his cold weather gear!
  8. That makes it worth going out,puts a smile on your face when you've had a session like that,well done...
  9. Same as stealthy's post above,after owning and regularly using both that's about how I'd describe it... Except I've had mine for less time...
  10. I had a golf course perm not so long ago and enjoyed going there,had some good nights on there with good bags,could only go when golfers couldn't,like at night or weather closed the course,good luck with it...
  11. When the opportunity presents itself like that it would be rude to not give it some serious consideration and you got a result so it was worth it...
  12. Always nice to get rid of a pest or two and decent ranges as well,a worthwhile trip out...
  13. good read,those are the sort of sessions you remember for a long time ...
  14. that's my thinking at the moment as well...
  15. good session by the looks of things,been a while since i saw a bag half that size!! ...
  16. nice bit of kit i have one myself and can't praise it enough,should provide some hours of enjoyment ...
  17. i find it very useful on the right ground,ie golf courses or where the cover is low,i have a 9-13" bipod but don't use it at the minute as i have bought a hw100 and don't have a sling stud for the fore end but when i get one the bipod is going straight back on!! before i had one i used a rolled up camo net or backpack,maybe you could try that and see if you get on with shooting prone...
  18. agree with what's been said,around 40 is as far as i push myself if it feels right,but 30/35 is probably the norm... have taken rabbit at 50 yards plus but not too often...
  19. if you think it could be the bedding or worse,flu,could you not take her into the shed or somewhere with a t shirt or something to sleep on,alone for the night and see if she seems better then you could have an idea if it is the hutch material,and if it is a virus it's less likely to be spread and you can clean out the hutch and start from scratch...
  20. can you imagine a bunch of kids running an obstacle course carrying a hare ,made me smile that did... we can only dream of such things here unfortunately...
  21. must be nice to be able to get out close to home,and if there's a few to go at then all the better,and that thing with rabbits carrying on like normal around freshly shot ones is something i've wondered about myself ,you'd think they'd sense danger but seem to just act as if nothing's amiss ,well more fool them!..
  22. tastes nice,basically,used to cook it straight over the flame on a skewer,haven't had one for a while though,made me hungry now...
  23. just about sums it up,i also use h&n ftt in my hw100t (not k i know but hey!)...
  24. you will never get a definitive answer to this question,we all use different,well some use both but it's all preference when all said and done i think...
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