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Everything posted by random

  1. Interesting read this,gave me something to think over,good post...
  2. Aww makes me feel bed having a .22 now...
  3. Can I ask what makes you say an Ultra? Why not a Scorpion [essentially the same thing? or an AA? I reckon an 410/510 would give the 100 a pretty good run for its money. There just as good... as the shooter. Probably right,used an ultra and an s410 and the aa is better? Know a few lads who still use them and wouldn't part...
  4. Most of us seem to let the wife and kids name them,can you do that? My method is keep the first name they suggest,although my hob has about four names depending on who you ask,I call him berret(how my little girl pronounces ferret)but he is also known as ho ho,ham,slinky or the one that bites!
  5. Back on topic have you decided/found one yet? Calibre etc,when is it getting an outing so we can get a write up/review on it?
  6. Was defo a nice evening,had some good shooting with a couple of good shots between us,don't get out much so enjoy it all the more when I do!
  7. Handy things camo nets,give you options when you only have the ground or stingers to lay on! Had one for a while and found it really handy a few times,in this case I think if you sit in the hedge camo'd up you can't move too much and even have to be careful bringing the gun to aim,from behind the net you have more area to move around without it being spotted so easily,I mean it still needs to be done slowly and carefully but gives you that little bit...
  8. Well as I was finishing work today I got an unexpected phone call from a friend asking if I'd like to go shotgun shooting to remove some corvids from a farm he goes on,so after getting ready and travelling to the farm we decided on a quick and easy session to give us more time on the guns rather than walking round setting up etc,we took up position in the hedge on the edge of the field where the large numbers have been gathering using the grass and trees as our hide,we had a good session considering we basically just turned up and was definitely worth an outing,
  9. But should dr b use a rapid or an r10 and is villaman allowed a hw100? Oh and which calibre? The argument could just go on and on... Oh thl,what have you done to people??
  10. Sometimes that how it goes,always seeming to be just out of range of everything but you had a walk out and saw some so not all bad really,and got something to eat out of it... Is its dinner companion another rabbit or different meat altogether?
  11. That's not a bad start,eventually it will come naturally and you'll be confident in the hunt/stalk etc and so become confident in your shooting,another tip which may have been mentioned or seem obvious but thought I'd mention is watching an animals body language and use it in your stalking,ie,take a step when the head is down feeding then wait a second to make sure the animal is still unaware,using cover as much as possible til your within your range then let fly and pop! Another meal!!
  12. I have a HW80k coming in the next few days , so that makes it 3 PCPs and 5 spring guns Must be nice to have options,keeps it fresh kind of each time you go in the cabinet,do you have some for certain things or grab what you fancy at the time? I take it you prefer springers as well,as you have more and the most recent purchase were spring guns,just being nosy with that one as I seem to like asking which people prefer when I get talking guns...
  13. Better than someone pinching it! And at least now you know that no one will be trying to use it...
  14. Not bad for a zeroing session...
  15. Young mans game , you and mac should be in bed by 10pm with your ovaltine and waiting for your carers to give you a bed wash You should see my carer :air_kiss:Think I just passed her in the street...
  16. Whatever the write up it looks to have been a good night,are you getting on with the NV now then lads?
  17. Don't blame you,when you have a few to choose from may as well...
  18. Hopefully someone will be able to help,would like to see the vid,as you mention the calibre being larger than he was prepared for and his slight build I'm guessing it's like one of those YouTube firing range montages??
  19. It is a horrible feeling when something goes wrong,worse still when it happens straight after having work done on it,when its fixed would it be worth selling after what you'd have spent?
  20. That's what you need,a tight group out to your range and bingo! Rabbits in the bag!
  21. Got to be happy with that,as said good shooting and that proves it a capable hunting tool I reckon!
  22. When we get some pics of your knitting results then Mac??
  23. Got to love a springer!! Nice pic too...
  24. When you do get a way of uploading sorted I am looking forward to seeing some,I understand the struggling,I ask the wife,then get her to show me,then get her to do it for me,then ask again next time!!
  25. Where I walk my dogs some times a guy passes by on a moped with a gun slip over his shoulder and the thing that springs to mind is what if he falls off? His gun could be kerfuffled!!
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