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Everything posted by random

  1. Good days shooting and nice to see a mix of air rifle and shotgun for something different,good numbers you must of reloaded a few times! Does the dog retrieve or did you pick them all up yourself?
  2. Decent afternoon out there,sounds like you've finally gelled with a rifle and with that comes confidence and hopefully much more good shooting!
  3. Don't keep poultry but this caught my eye and made me wonder,what advantages does this cross offer in terms of meat and egg production? Interesting read so far by the way...
  4. Remember the golden rule of plagiarism, tell everyone its your own idea!!
  5. Not bad for a quick mooch,good eating there too,guessing they're for dinner by the way they've been prepped?
  6. Enjoyed that,good go for something unplanned and on a phone,you are funny man that bit when the camera fell over was funny! Nice bonus rabbit too,please make more and keep on being yourself,quality...
  7. Be a rare treat,video,worth a watch... Ooh .22 v .177 should get em going!
  8. The raider is a good enough gun,shows we don't always need to spend hundreds to fill a bag,had some good sessions and took some good shots with mine in .22,once I added a bipod it was a lethal combo!
  9. Another good session rez,was the springer fix target or quarry? Get us some pics of your fishing trip sounds like it'll be a laugh with the Mrs toasted and you "trying"!!
  10. Good session with some decent shots then
  11. Yeah like the hw100t,especially with a sidewinder on it!! Uurrgghhh! Or the airsporter mk1,what of pile of shi....
  12. Getting out is reward enough sometimes,one to carry home is good enough and its been said so many times its not about the numbers...
  13. Out of interest,what sort of ranges are you taking them with that set up? You know furthest,average what have you...
  14. That's a good nights shooting,a lot of meat to get through there! Must be a popular spot with the rabbits...
  15. But sometimes the weight helps keep it stable and stops the front end flip,personally I like underlevers,hw97 and tx200 are two fantastic rifles,if you fancy it take a chance?
  16. Another rewarding session where you've put in the time and got results,nice read and with pics,like it,get the fwb .22 out and let's have a write up on that!
  17. As said well done on the top hats,good sport ratting,we like pics so get on it!
  18. They couldn't get anyone,you've only mentioned it on a forum and every man and his dog is offering to help clear them!! Nice to bag a bit of ground though,should give some sport and meals by the looks of it,nice mix of colour in them as well,not that it matters but something I noticed,like the camo rapid too...
  19. That's what it should be like every time! We should enjoy using our guns and look upon them as more than tools to do a job sometimes,I know its easy to become complacent and everything when you know your setup well and we are probably all guilty of it but we need to sometimes take a minute to appreciate them...bit soft and sentimental but hey ho!!
  20. That's a lot of pellets and a good price,some serious plinking for someone!
  21. A lot of fun juice there! Want to try blackberry wine myself but not gone and looked for any yet,is it a simple recipe? I'm looking to try a simple one as I've never tried before...
  22. Some good shots on those squirrels,when they fall in the branches its a pain but a nobble getting them down!
  23. Decent shots then,fair range to take a pigeon that...
  24. Good going,what sort of ranges were you taking them?
  25. Stop it mole you'll bring up who invented the .177 and .22 and which is best next!!
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