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Everything posted by random

  1. That's a good session and good numbers,if you can get more ground with enough on it to have nights like that you've done well,must of took some carrying!
  2. These lads know there stuff,been doing this a long time so worth asking/listening to,some have had aa or hw's for years and never felt the need to upgrade or replace,says quite a bit...
  3. Aside from the headache of going there with one gun and wishing you were coming back with another looks like a good day,the kid looks happy and seems to enjoy his shooting,sounds a good shot too,who's are the daystates? Are they really any better than any you have? You're still chasing that rainbow aren't you!!
  4. Good result for a mooch,shows the benefits of a dog,you were walking right over some easily worked rabbits there!
  5. The balaclava is to keep the identity hidden from the viewers? There's lots of things that don't add up its a romantic look into the past,typical no one gets away from the police stuff,good soundtrack and David Stockwell! Quality!
  6. Or he studied long and hard,got a good well paying job,did all the the hours under the sun,made sacrifices,saved and saved and saved some more to scrape together whatever was needed to make such a selfless gift to repay some of the hard work and sacrifices his parents no doubt made raising him? In the video I didn't hear anything about a mortgage for all anyone knows it could be tickets to to the uk so they can all get benefits Could be,just thought I'd offer a different perspective...
  7. That's funny,I like how daft dogs can be,by the way heartbeat is a class programme!
  8. Or he studied long and hard,got a good well paying job,did all the the hours under the sun,made sacrifices,saved and saved and saved some more to scrape together whatever was needed to make such a selfless gift to repay some of the hard work and sacrifices his parents no doubt made raising him?
  9. It is annoying but happens,wouldn't have been so bad if you bagged the one that presented itself!!
  10. If he had a healthy well looked after and cared for dog that he let catch a rat one time the RSPCA would probably push for a lifetime ban on keeping dogs... This is why I personally don't like the selling of dogs,all pound signs in their eyes...
  11. Get us some pics (and video?) And a good write up sounds like its going to be fun...
  12. These? Sorry misread title...
  13. The enjoyment is indeed in the shooting,that's why a springer is more rewarding,as it appears you know they are harder to use so should be more satisfying to use well,are you looking for an easy route? I personally prefer springers,a PCP is a fantastic tool and has some benefits over a springer but each to there own...
  14. Never check,what's the point in wasting pellets? Joke!! Every time,done it as long as I can remember...
  15. Like the sound of that,like squirrel hunter off YouTube,see and hear the wildlife out in a wood and get some good bags of squirrel,good eating,did you get out early?
  16. Looks a good nights shooting,even with the squeaky bum moment! I'm always eyeing mine when I pick the gun up,something about it makes me think that it could go at any time and this is proof,kind of,ah well its OK and your getting a better one...
  17. And you could hit a stop end with more than one balled up...
  18. Well at least you were out and got a few,looks like you enjoyed yourself too! Something to smile about when your toasty warm and tucking into them...
  19. Good bag there,earned it sitting in the rain!
  20. That's a good result I'd say,like the set up you use looks good,foer a day with poor weather and in an area they aren't really feeding in you did well,nice one...
  21. I'm digging about the same as you,on the rare occasions I get out!,around 2/3 feet in hedgerows,around fields and paddocks usually,got another farm or two for this season that I've not done anything other than lamp them on so don't know about this yet but doesn't look too different...
  22. Some good early numbers for you there,the dog earns them rabbits! Enjoy seeing your outings,thanks for sharing...
  23. That's a good video mate,few bits were really good like when the rabbit drops straight into another hole and the dog tumbles over then just goes back to waiting,the one at the end where dogs up to his middle playing tug of war as well,shows a bit of character in the dog I think,enjoyed that...
  24. Nice little vid,like how you go from day to night as well,these real vids where you show misses and the camera shakes up and down as you settle into a shot are good because they are like shooting yourself,enjoy watching them,thanks...
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