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Everything posted by random

  1. Air arms range worth a look,hw takes some beating and is popular on here,BSA are decent enough,some of the cheaper ones get good reviews and would save you a few quid,only you can decide really,shoulder a few and handle them,get the feel and ask questions because you're buying a rifle for yourself not one of us!!
  2. Not bad for a walk around,if the rifle groups well enough with them then that's good enough isn't it? What sort of range was the squizzer? Out of interest,and is it just the PIC or has it a hump on its back?
  3. Proper day of it then,hard and frustrating graft but 11 rabbits to get through for your troubles! Might be wet wet wet but at least you were out out out!
  4. Why did I choose .20... I really like .22, for all its knock down power and sweetness in the springers, but really cant help but like the flat trajectory of the 177 in my 100. That's why. I was leaning towards 22 more though with it and at the last minute said .20 for the order. Can't see it being anything but accurate whichever calibre,probably take a mag or two to get used to it? After that nothing but tiny groups and plenty of dead quarry,like to see how the three calibres differ...
  5. Nice,that's what I imagine rapids would of ended up looking like if they were still made now,somehow simple but we'll thought out,you know? Get it out and give us some pics and what not,what made you chance a .20? Assuming you chose it on a whim kind of...
  6. That's a good days shooting finished off nicely!
  7. Wouldn't mind putting in hard work for a bag that size...
  8. The little bit of beating I do on a small shoot gives us hot food and drinks at lunch a brace each or more at the end and stands us a couple of pints after,been offered some pest control but the owner is hard to get hold of and get straight answers from and puts us in touch with someone just as hard to find! But the chance is there,I go just to take part as I really enjoy it and would go for nothing at all,a thankyou at the end would be enough for me! Each shoot is very different I suppose depending on the money involved etc,so have different things to offer those that help,gaining trust t
  9. Always satisfying pulling off a good shot and this clearly pleased you,the tx is a fine rifle and I would bet gives you that feeling just picking it up out the cabinet...
  10. Couple of nice rifles to be playing with,worth two tins of pellets for the fun you've had,and nothing wrong with wanting to get back on the .22,If you're used to it and want to use it don't feel the need to justify it! Any pics of the new set up and range you've been using?
  11. Agree with that,everything's sodden and the cover is still thick everywhere I've scouted out!
  12. Leaving them cocked for periods of time has no effect on a spring,if it can't take a couple hours of it surely it wouldn't last much more than a few times of pellets anyway,I myself try to cock the gun as late as possible but that's an old habit born from being told it would harm the spring,I can't speak of real old rifles cus I have no real experience of them,in a magazine or online didn't someone chrono a rifle,cock it and stick it in a cupboard for a year or so before testing it again and it read the same? I'll have a quick Google for it...
  13. That's a good come back to your air rifle,like the look of all that cooked up as well,I have to prepare most of my stuff outside on a marble slab to save about an earhole bending!
  14. Tx. How's the votes for the original choices adding up so far?
  15. A picture paints a thousand words and all that,like that bench as well...
  16. Known a couple of real big hobs,worked fine,made a good team with a little Jill or two,don't worry about it unless it gives you reason to worry,as someone said siblings are all different sizes...
  17. Those are decent enough numbers pal,most people are not getting much more half a dozen a time that I know,good to be out with the ferrets having a go,sounds like a good time and some banter to make it memorable...
  18. Yep. Most certainly Random. The 99 is a super little set up for just having a walk round with a few pellets. No kit bag, no pod, not magazines. Exactly what I love about them,springers that is,pick it up and out the door,seriously need another,no fonder hunting memories than those of walking through a wood or stalking down a hedgerow with a pocket full of pellets,you know? Oh happy days!
  19. Another good one there,squirrel are a good quarry,sure I've said that before but think they are,that first pic is a cracker,really sets the scene somehow...
  20. Looks a good one,nice little spot and those pics complete it,those situations allow for the odd opportunistic shot,don't they?
  21. So what you saying mole,"mines worse than yours!!"
  22. So its worth anywhere from f all to 1p,and only if someone wants you to sell it to fill there need of not wanting it? Do you need a fancy air rifle themed door stop?
  23. Is this the one that could turn Mac? Wonder if he'd be tempted,seems to have an itch he can't scratch when it comes to rifles,and I've no idea what it's worth to (not) answer your original post...
  24. Might of been cut short but its a trip out,another few in the bag...
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