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Everything posted by random

  1. Very good few hours and a nice amount of eating for your efforts...
  2. Can't believe you didn't wade into the Hawthorn
  3. That's a good night's shooting and a nice freezer full to keep them ferrets going,the head shot thing is strange because a properly placed pellet should destroy whatever organ it hits,if they were faulty it would be the accuracy that was affected? Something to ponder no doubt...
  4. That's a productive walk about with dog and gun earning their keep,good bit of eating there as well,
  5. Well worth popping out for that is,i take the breast off before the ferrets get a look as well,too good to give away and there's plenty left on one anyway,for the pellet question id say light dome head as they seem to be good whatever you put them through,h& n ftt,accupell Superdome sort of thing,jsb and air arms are apparently good as well,some will be better than others depending on your barrel...
  6. ive still got a fermentation bin full of cider in the airing cupboard from 4 years ago! I darnt touch it incase it explodes! Have you checked on this cider yet ant??
  7. Here it is bottled and the little I tasted was nice so should be a good drink,got 6 bottles for about a fivers worth of ingredients...
  8. Well I've bottled it and got 6 bottles,ive only had a sip so far it was nice and if that's anything to go by well worth the effort,works out to about £4 to do a demijohn...
  9. Watch squirrel hunter on the tube,waits at feeders in a hide and some are filled with wheat,waits til they pick up a piece and start nibbling then pop! Squirrel for lunch...
  10. And I get the feeling they'd of been even worse winners than they have been losers,
  11. And if this was the other way over and the leave supporters were making a fuss they'd be shouting from the roof tops about showing their true colours and what not,r really can't stand these morally superior hypocrite arsehole student vegan twats...
  12. Why is it that when famous people move into politics,geldof,may to an extent,they just piss you off and make you not like them anymore,it really pisses me off how they shout on about their chosen subject and want these anti Viet Nam style protests,its like they can't make an argument in the proper manor and sit calmly and put a point across,in this particular leave/remain debate they seem to me to have avoided questions and repeated themselves to such an extent its seriously f***ing boring...
  13. i have been to church this morning to confess my sins for disrespecting the spring air rifle.....i can't divulge his advice on confidentially grounds...... but i bumped into him at the back of the church....and guess what.......he only had a pcp slung over his shoulder about to chuck it in the bin
  14. Another decent shot there mark,seem to average around that distance,was that from a hide or stalked? And I bet watching your dog work well is more satisfying than any shot you've ever taken,i love seeing a dog do what it was bred for,whichever discipline,worthwhile hour spent there mate...
  15. Nice amount there and good use of two different methods,been a long time sinc I bagged enough to give me arm ache!!
  16. Back on track I'd say,hw97/95 or aa tx/ps, or hw100/rapid,really is hard to answer and as you can see divides opinion,ask a dozen men,get a dozen answers,get in that shop and have a field day with your blank cheque! When you do decide and get your hands on one we like a pic or two...
  17. Come on Tilly,everything on thl is a contest! I know what your getting at I just disagree,i think they are still equal and as capable,just a preference thing,i suppose you can't be wrong in which ever you choose...
  18. Out of interest udog,whats the report like without anything on the end and do you intend to moderate it,also which calibre is it in?
  19. What more could you want? And for less than some pay for a scope,which you don't even use! Some good eating there after a good days shooting,becoming a standard for you this is...
  20. Well had this opened and it hardly puffed! I think it was my bottling process that killed of fermentation,too much steriliser and not rinsed out enough maybe? I might try again as the flowers are still out,one bottle is gone and was an OK drink,hint of elder and a kick of lemon,still got the other bottle but it's basically just a wine now,but I'll definitely try again cus if a failed batch is OK then a good one must be better??
  21. Wouldn't like wasps hanging around,sodding things,dont they say that wasps can get drunk or something and become even more aggressive than they usually are?
  22. And as Mac is kind of pointing out,and this is not directed at anyone,pcp are believed to more accurate somehow,especially by those who know little of air rifles and I think that's something that needs to be put straight,we all know their is no more accurate than the other if should really come down to the shooters needs...
  23. I don't think it's about ruffling feathers as much as it sounds like you are dismissing a perfectly fine and capable tool as obsolete or useless somehow,i wouldn't say it's like a cane rod compared to carbon as that's a completely different thing,in terms of rifles they are made of the same materials,springer/pcp,just powered differently,a pcp doesn't feel better in the hand it feels the same? The difference is in firing with the recoil being the only difference,they are as accurate,consistant and quiet as a pcp,the multi shot is an advantage I agree,even though you can get springers with that
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