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Everything posted by random

  1. That's what you need,quick trip with some kills and home for a cuppa!!
  2. When I drill the stock I put masking tape over the area mark the spot to drill then tap it with a pointed bit,a punch it might be called,stops the drill bit slipping...
  3. Nice one tom,they are not cheap for what they are so that'll do you a favour muttley!
  4. Nice to see steam trains going by, and only took them 10yrs to restore itY.I.S Leeview Nice too see and is that sarcasm or compliment??
  5. Nice piece but the castors don't suit it!! Oh and I'm a roofer...
  6. Like this thread and pics,least showing photos isn't unsporting!? Or is it?
  7. Nice to get good service and we should tell about it more,we sing from the rooftops when we're not dealt with right! And the prices being good for some and bad for other stuff is just rough with the smooth cus lots of places are like that...
  8. Mine is a deben 9-13" and I find it spot on height wise,for me anyway and I'm around 6'2" so don't know if that helps? I bought it for golf course shooting to keep above the grass, fairway and rough,it doesn't tilt so can't comment on the benefits of those,the front stock screw is replaced by a stud which screws in its place as the forestock is quite thin wood so not ideal for drilling one into,though I've read about it being done ok? They are great to use as the stability added a notable distance to my kill range,quick and easy to use as well,although mine fits the stud quite tight and is fai
  9. Right then back on topic and away from the calibre debate! Did you shoot them from the tree in front mark or on the ground,what sort of ranges? Really like the look of this method and will try it when I get a chance...
  10. There you go,showing shot placement...
  11. i was shooting targets in the garden today when a squirrel appeared in the trees at the bottom of the garden,as i already had my gun in my hand i thought why not? I let it settle then hit it right in the ear and dropped the squizzer like a stone,only twenty or so yards but one in the bag! (I have a pic but on phone,will add later) Pic as promised...
  12. Youre supposed to be looking at the pictures! Stop messing with the nostalgia!
  13. Good thread,as said one of the best for a while,love seeing old pics and got me thinking back to when i/we just grab a gun and pocket full of pellets and get our little swag bags full! Love it,hopefully people will add and make this a fantastic thread,i foolishly rarely took pics and have lost the ones i had,keep 'em coming people...
  14. If you were in the market for a springer what would you choose??
  15. If I was in the market for a pcp? I'd probably spend 6 months deciding then another 6 wondering if I'd chosen right! Seriously though I'd be looking hw100,r10 or s410 probably if new,rapid,super 10 or falcon if used,that's off the top of my head,any time to think about it and it could get messy!!
  16. Speak for yourself! I always get spotted either peeping out or fumbling around with me gun!!?
  17. Played with the fanny about one a while ago and found it a good little gun,5p size groups at 30 ish yards if i remember right? Only played with it quicky to be nosy cus my mate had picked it up,and moxy that a nice mess around rifle,"it will do"? As good as some peoples best!!
  18. Just looked up this practical stuff,saw some vids,looks a laugh,running to pick up cartridges and timed targets,see why you enjoyed it and I've never even seen it done!☺
  19. Bit late as I think this question is basically answered but thought I'd drop it in anyway, could a torch be mounted under the moderator so as to not cause glare at all? My first try would be cover the rifle in scrim or tape though
  20. Another possibility my mate suggested,I went over it and couldn't see this but maybe in the moment I'm focused on something else,further away with basically a big blind spot and it could have happened,whatever caused it I'll never know and its something I'm aware of now even though I'll probably never see it again. Not convinced on heart packing in then lab? What if it had a rare hereditary condition and hadn't taken its medication!!
  21. I've seen some ads that made me think may as well buy new,thought it was just me being tight!!
  22. Or go bullpup and start a whole new debate!
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