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Everything posted by john87

  1. Hi I'm after two jills if you have any left?
  2. Hi guys maybe a strange one for you, i've had a daystate mk3 for a while now, i love the rifle and find it pretty much perfect in every way except.....it beeps quite loudly every single shot. Aside from it being annoying i feel it anounces my presence to any nearby quarry. I was wondering if anyone had any experience of this and knew a solution, its not the end of the world just a bit annoying. I've tried what the manual says is a factory reset but that just sets it to single shot mode. Also emailed daystate and no reply. Thanks in advance John
  3. Cheers guys thats great. Really appreciate the quick replies. Think i'll get the Simon Whitehead one, i know i could just go out and get stuck in i just like something physical as a point of reference. I still go back and look at my phillip glazier book on falconry every now and then.
  4. Hi all Could you please recommend any good detailed ferreting books? Which is the best in your opinion? I just dont want to be wasting my money. Thanks in advance
  5. Hi guys, names John. I'm from South Wales and love pretty much all types of hunting. I shoot a daystate mk3, have a red tail in training and recently got a lovely greyhound collie cross that im trying to get entered as she's growing up. I used to have a ferret that i briefly worked with mixed success sadly he is no longer with us but i am currently looking for someone local i could buy a couple neutered jills from as i really would love to get into ferreting properly. Also intrested in meeting up with people relatively local whether its for a mooch about with the gun or out with the dog or any
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