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Everything posted by Grunter123

  1. This is my pup out of goose and the 3/4 bull bitch 1/4 grey
  2. This is my pup out of goose and the 3/4 bull bitch 1/4 grey
  3. I got two out from under a shed in the back garden of a old lad, in my street sunday
  4. Lol were not all money mad or deceitful pal
  5. From me free but from a mate a mate I could not say
  6. Did Burt buy that terrier pup
  7. How is it breed pal looks like it's going to make a big thing
  8. Crackers mate like the black dog as it seen out yet looks a nice sort atb
  9. I had willie thas from Gerry Clemons and direct won every thing yorkshire middle route fed few times very good birds young birds went on to win all over one won Blackpool Amal good honest birds, still winning now for people and packed up in 2009 after they shut club
  10. Nice bod mate what breed is he , I used to be big into pigeons still miss them
  11. I had a 54 plate double cab dog it for two years over fields till engine went pop gone back to hi lux now boom proof never
  12. Come up bring your dogs let's let them do the talking lads if not shut up end off your more than welcome x x x
  13. If you know lads up here they might know me then you will know
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