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Everything posted by Longers7

  1. Should be fine mate, it's more about shot placement than power, personally I wouldn't want a black widow as it's not the easiest of catties to slip in your pocket when out mooching, but if you've got one then why not give it a go, a bag of hexnuts is only £2 so it's not like you'd be losing much by trying.
  2. lol to merry Xmas sherries Kyle ;-)
  3. yeah mate, first bird. Was a bit late in the season to get a young bird, then this bird came up, so thought even if I don't get him going this season then at least I would learn quite abit with him regarding confidence,manning,conditioning etc etc. I'll fly him for rest of the season then decide whether to get a young bird in the summer and make it what I want, or do one more season with the red after moult. My "mentor" (so to speak) let me down really, so it's been a bit of a learning curve for me and the bird, I'm sure an experienced falconer may have had him going earlier than me, but like
  4. yeah mate, first bird. Was a bit late in the season to get a young bird, then this bird came up, so thought even if I don't get him going this season then at least I would learn quite abit with him regarding confidence,manning,conditioning etc etc. I'll fly him for rest of the season then decide whether to get a young bird in the summer and make it what I want, or do one more season with the red after moult. My "mentor" (so to speak) let me down really, so it's been a bit of a learning curve for me and the bird, I'm sure an experienced falconer may have had him going earlier than me, but like
  5. M.8 nuts are for 8mm threaded bar, m10's for 10mm bar, it's the diameter of the centre of the nut, and not the nut head size
  6. had 4 rabbits and a squirrel since I been off work for Xmas mate
  7. Think I have a book on Harris by Bob Dalton
  8. Took me a couple of seasons to work this out as well, been using a couple of Jill's for last 2 seasons, they bolted a few but I always felt like they could be doing better, then got my hands on a proven working Jill... WOW!! She don't mess about, used her Friday on her own, and I don't think she failed to bolt at least a brace of rabbits from each set we ferreted, then put her in a real big set in a hedge, rabbits were bolting left right and centre!! She won't leave until there's no more in there, I wouldn't go out without her now, I also have her brother which I'm yet to try, but I'm hoping h
  9. Jemima parry's book is a good read mate
  10. Looks very well made that mate!! Bet it's still going strong in 50 years time!!
  11. Took this male red tail on as a bit of a rescue bird, as previous owner wasn't keeping in best of conditions, he'd been bowed down for a few years and if honest took a lot of time and work to get him going!! He's frustrated the hell out of me and at times felt like giving up on him, but with lots of great advise from Tim (Charlie caller) and patients I've slowly managed to get him switched on, I can now see why a lot of falconers buy a red tail then shortly afterwards sell them on, as you need patients of a saint at times with them, I would like to say a massive thanks to Tim for all the advis
  12. Nice one mate, Nelson's longnets are a great bit of kit, love mine!!
  13. Nice bag there mate, nothing more annoying than a skulky ferret!!
  14. one of my perms was virtually wiped out with mixy 2 years ago and has really struggled to recover any sort of numbers, another of my perms has quite good numbers and mixy hasn't been a problem.... The biggest problem there is the dog walkers calling you a murderer etc etc :-/ lol
  15. Picked up a couple of hobs yesterday off a lad who's given up ferreting, there quite big boys! Just wandering what size other peoples hobs are that they work? I've only ever worked Jill's which are much smaller in comparison! I know using purse nets with hobs can be a pain with them messing set nets up, but most of my ferreting is done using longnets so not to bothered, any pics would be good.
  16. Longers7

    Stop Net

    not one hedge?? Maybe we should swap perms as I haven't ferreted one open set :-( lol
  17. Longers7

    Stop Net

    Looks a handy net that mate.
  18. Longers7

    Best Man

    My mate asked me yesterday!! Proposed to his bird Xmas the day..... The prat!!!
  19. Looks smart mate, I bought one off a lad on ebay, really well made and very happy with it http://ebay.to/1y4KwxU
  20. Can't help with the fat removal method mate, but would live to see the rabbit slippers ;-)
  21. That's some dedication for one pigeon mate, FairPlay to you
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