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Everything posted by Longers7

  1. gan you get a pic of it harry^^ his name is Kyle..... I'm Harry mate ;-) lol. I've seen them quick release poles too don't know why i put that A few too many Kev.....
  2. Nice work mate, catty making gets addictive!!
  3. gan you get a pic of it harry ^^ his name is Kyle..... I'm Harry mate ;-) lol. I've seen them quick release poles too
  4. Tried him up and down mate but no joy, he will watch them and Bob his head round, if he does leave the glove, then he will literally fly 30ft then just drop to the ground, he will fly at a lure, dummy bunny, pulled carcass and nail it from long range, this is what's so frustrating about it.
  5. Lol, a catty stick is a good idea, better if you shoot forks up, I shoot gangster, so I would have to have the whole stick pointing away from me as opposed to just lifting it straight up off the ground
  6. David Attenborough legend...... But looking bloody old now.

  7. have you started getting back out with the catty yet Kev?
  8. I do as well mate, best practise I'm my opinion
  9. I just can't seem to get my red tail going at night, done loads of training with him at night, lure, dummy bunny, carcass etc etc, will chase and catch them all, but put a live rabbit down the lamp and it's like he hasn't got the confidence to fly at them, he goes to fly then just clings on to my glove and drops to the ground, very annoying! I've managed to walk right up to squatters and he still won't fly them!!pickled my head a bit! Any ideas?? My male Harris wouldn't fly them on the lamp at all mate. Totally refused any but would smash them in the day It's so annoying mate, he will chase r
  10. no took it on as a sortve rescue bird mate
  11. What about that leather studded dog collar you wear Kev?? Didn't you make that?
  12. Forget all that cutting cards nonsense, get out and head shoot a pigeon when it's 10m up a tree! Practise to long on a catch box, you end up a bit one track minded as the target is pretty much always the same height and distance away....... Plus playing cards don't taste very nice ;-)
  13. I just can't seem to get my red tail going at night, done loads of training with him at night, lure, dummy bunny, carcass etc etc, will chase and catch them all, but put a live rabbit down the lamp and it's like he hasn't got the confidence to fly at them, he goes to fly then just clings on to my glove and drops to the ground, very annoying! I've managed to walk right up to squatters and he still won't fly them!!pickled my head a bit! Any ideas??
  14. your accuracy is prob not as good because the tubes could be cut to wrong size for you mate
  15. After about a year of shooting using my right fork tip as an aiming marker on my catty, closing one eye, pulling to anchor point etc etc, I've just started shooting instictively with both eyes open, I don't know why I've started doing this, but my shooting is so much better!! I haven't really shot for a couple of months, but decided to have a little target plink tonight, without realising I've just naturally started shooting this style! Think I'll be sticking to instinctive from now on! What style of shooting does everybody else use? Aiming or instinctive?
  16. Lovely looking natty that mate, real nice grain to it! You'll soon be filling your freezer with it ;-)
  17. I quickly made this walnut and ally sps, just so I could use it with latex flats, as I already have another I use for looped tubes, only spent about 2 hours making it, could've took longer and made it look better, but was only made to be abused really, really liking latex flats with hexnuts at the mo.
  18. no worries mate, nitemare about your dads motor!! Lol
  19. Yeah it was the sps mate, I've made another one from walnut with ally core that I'm just gunna use for bands, then keep my dragonfly sps for looped tubes! Hope your all good Scott
  20. he's on here mate, pm him. Excellent nets and service!
  21. Yeah headtorch needs to be on side of your head
  22. If he's selling that many, then he should go to someone with a CNC machine and get 100's of the same shape cut in seconds, would save him a hell of a lot of time messing around with bandsaws and routers etc, I really don't see why people would wait months for his catties tho! I think a lot of people watch his videos on YouTube and think wow, if I buy one of his catties then I'll be able to shoot as good as him! FairPlay to him for doing all those videos as it obviously works at drawing in "punters" for a piece of ply cut and sanded by him, he then takes your money and sends the "punter" a catt
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