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Everything posted by Longers7

  1. Thanks stealthy1, I will try that next time, the kits seem more interested in hole popping at the mo tho. I'm sure they will get it
  2. Hi I'm after a deben mk2 collar if anybody has 1 for sale, thanks
  3. Stealthy 1, it only ever seems to be the mother that comes out with fur on her claws, I tend to only put 1 kit down behind the mother at a time mate.
  4. Yeah I was worried that using the kits with the mother would lead them to be like her and not bolt them, I'll take all advise on board for the next outing. Cheers chaps
  5. No unfortunately don't own a dog :-(
  6. Thanks hot meat for the advise, yeah I will try and find an experienced ferreter to go out with, they aware good size, the mother seems to be really small tho. Was thinking of getting a hob as I've read they can be good for moving stubborn rabbits.
  7. Yeah I don't want to give up on the kits as they do seem to knuckle down once they chill out a bit, but like what has been said, maybe they just won't be workers, suppose only time and experience will tell. I did read that it takes them a few seasons to become good workers
  8. I bought the kits from a lad that bred them, he used ferrets with his bird of prey, and he wanted to get rid of all of them so he gave me the mother for free, yeah think I may ask about to see if anybody wants to give me some tips, tho rabbits are pretty scarce on my permission this year.
  9. Ok mate thanks, would the noise also be to do with them not going down deeper into the warren?
  10. Hi guys not been ferreting long, I have 3 Jill's, two are kits at around 7 months old and I also have the mother of them, I've tried to take them out every weekend ferreting, they seem to be getting the hang of it and I've had a few rabbits, it just seems that they don't go deep into the warren? They just seem to enter 1 hole then pop out in the next hole along all the way through the warren, would this be down to there age and experience? And would they go deeper the more they get worked? The mother does virtually the same, tho she does sometimes come up with rabbit fur on her claws, she just
  11. Thanks for the advise lads,I can imagine what the health and safety is like for them. Never done snaring before, but wouldn't mind giving it a go. Going to have a look at the snaring section on here and get some info on it. Gunna go down there tonight with the lamp as well.
  12. Yeah had an idea it would be a nitemare...... Lamping it is then
  13. Hi guys, managed to pick up a new permission last week, it's a rugby club, I've had a few rabbits from there with my airrifle, the groundsman was keen on my ferreting it, but the pitch backs on to a railway, and that's where all the burrows are, has anybody had much experience of ferreting railway banks? Was just worried that the warrens would be massive, and worried about losing a ferret in them? Any advise would be great. Cheers
  14. Ha does make searching for warrens around the farm a little less tiring! Great for lugging the gear as well
  15. Hi guys, looking for a r10 if anybody has one for sale, preferably in .22 thanks
  16. That was quick!! Told you it wouldn't hang around :-)
  17. Cheers lads, brambles and hawthorn next tho :-/
  18. Hi all, noticed that the rabbits on the farm have been very scarce recently, probably due to the fact that some lads have been illegally running them down with dogs and lamps, any rabbit that I find at night bolts as soon as any sort of light hits them! any way I was happy to find a nice 6 hole warren in one of the horse paddocks with not a bramble of thorn in sight. I thought this would be brilliant to start my kits (2 Jill's) that I've had for a few months off on. Having ferreted with a friend in the past, I couldn't wait to go out on my own with my own ferrets and nets. I arrived at the
  19. That's a great pic of you and your boy mate, he will remember those days for a very long time, better than than them being glued to a computer
  20. Try emailing local golf courses/ rugby clubs/ cricket clubs mate, I did and managed to get 2 new permissions this week
  21. Hi guys, I'm selling my air arms s410 classic in .22, it's a 10 shot with whitetail scope, comes with a bi-pod,filling adaptor,silencer and carry bag, holds charge and shoots well, slight wear to laquer on the stock but doesn't effect the gun in any way, only selling as I want to buy a carbine. Excellent starter rifle. I'm located in Bristol and can email pictures if any body wants them, looking for £350 Ono 07983439782
  22. Haha I wouldn't want to fuel the warren/set/hole/hutch/holiday inn fire anymore ;-)
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