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Everything posted by Longers7

  1. "That'll do.... Don't pull it off"!! Hahaha
  2. Think I'll just stick to snaring the fence.....
  3. Ollywilli cheers, I've walked past some warrens I've ferreted a week later and seen fresh droppings outside them, didn't ferret them again as thought I would let them settle again to give more sport in the future.
  4. Hahah I don't think we would have long enough to answer them all mate :-/, see you tomorow mate!
  5. Just wandered how long it takes for rabbits to re-use a warren once it has been ferreted? Would it be pretty soonish or would they avoid them for a while until at least the ferrets scent had gone?? ATB harry
  6. But in my opinion nothing catches better when in perfect conditions lol Nothing rougher than wembley turf tho or there knackered ;-)
  7. Is be interested to know the laws on ferreting common ground as well if anybody has an knowledge of it?
  8. Cheers bunny boiler, best I leave the banks alone then :-/
  9. Mhopton thanks for the reply, the railway embankments are really high on my permission, so even if I was half way up them nobody on the train would be able to see me, I'll grab a hi-viz just incase ;-)
  10. Nice haul that, just a quick question, do you or did you have to get permission from railway agency etc? Just that some of my permission is bordered by railway banks that hold a lot of rabbits, but was unsure what the crack was with ferreting them? I asked on here a while back and people said that I shouldn't ferret them as I could be done for trespassing on railways? Any info/advice would be great, cheers
  11. I use diablo field's in my .22 r10 mate, which are good, r10's can be pellet fussy tho.
  12. ( just from experience)... Do not to buy bisley nets from shooting shops ..... Your spend most of your day trying to untangle them, spun poly nets are good.
  13. What is it saying when you try to upload them mate?
  14. 14 woodies with air rifle is good going mate, fair play to you! I'd struggle to do that with a shotgun!! Haha
  15. Nice ground that mate, and good shooting, can't beat a bit of squirrel bashing!
  16. Try the classifieds mate, always ferreting gear in there, atb
  17. Ha, just doesn't seem to be any ferreters from Bristol! So quite easy to get permission I suppose !
  18. Copy and paste the IMG code from photobucket mate,
  19. Hahahahahaha that was a quality post! Poor dogs!!
  20. Try the classified's section mate, nets, locators etc always for sale in there, then it's just the permission ;-)
  21. I know it's mental, a couple of ferrets and a cage would be £300 down there, bet they still wouldn't throw a free bag of food in either!
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