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Everything posted by Longers7

  1. Cheers buddy, I'm sure you would be able to sell your milbro one........ Then buy mine ;-)
  2. Haha bless him, he'll be off to his competition soon!!
  3. Cheers Ross, is lee back yet? If he is can you ask him to txt me his new number please mate.
  4. Walnut with 5mm ally core, ally pins, paracord bracelet lanyard, quick changed loop tubes slits, and can be shot with bands. Really comfy in the hand and shoots nice. £35 posted
  5. Ok mate cool, I've got a nice milbro nearly ready, it looks like the hathcock target sniper I made just milbro shape ;-), be ready tomorow.
  6. ^^ haha ^^ the head torch would only be used to find your way out of the woods if you got lost and it turned to night........ Obviously ;-)
  7. I find TTF much more accurate mate, it's the only way I shoot now.
  8. do you shoot with a head torch for the pigeons mate? Or go before it gets dark?
  9. That sounds nice mate, put some build pics up when you start
  10. Mock one up using shitty ply first mate, then you'll less likely to mess up the kit your buying...... If you wanna add your own stamp to the kit one, then maybe re-laminate it in your preferred finish?
  11. Got a couple more milbros in the making, be ready end of the week if anybody is interested? Cheers
  12. Just had a look and looks lovely mate, how much you got? What catty shape would you like?
  13. Ha cheers, you'd prob laugh if you seen my garage where I make them!
  14. Got any pics mate? I'd prob be up for that? What catty you after?
  15. Anybody fancy doing a trade for a catty? I'm preferably after some bog oak, or any dark hardwoods. Or anything that you may have made yourself maybe? I'll make a catty to your preferences? Cheers harry
  16. Thanks mate, not sure about that tho as I've only been making them for about 3 weeks :-/
  17. After buying a hathcock target sniper from pocketpredator.com recently, I thought I would have a go at making one as it's my favourite catty to shoot, really nice to hold and also easy to shoot accurately, made from walnut with a ally core and 4mm ally pins, hope you like Pocketpredator.com's version My version
  18. ^^^ pissing myself reading that mate!! Glad you're happy with it
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