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Everything posted by Longers7

  1. Hi, im looking to buy some quickest long nets, I'm after 2x25 yards. Can anybody recommend a good place to buy from? Any help much appreciated, thanks
  2. Why don't you just go and cut one mate?
  3. Just spoke to BPR...... He said, "of course I'll behave".... Hopefully he can re-join and leave all the shite behind?
  4. Hi looking for a couple of working Jill's, looking to replace my old Jill that died recently. Only have 1 Jill left and she's looking lonely :-/, don't want to buy kits, money waiting in Bristol, cheers
  5. That's it mate, yeah they will all be different to aim and shoot. Keep at it!
  6. Looks great for your first one mate!
  7. lol, FairPlay to him mate! And to you for nailing the squizzers!
  8. Longers7


    ^^ I got a nice hw100T with a stage 4 pump and extras that would look good in your hands Ross ;-).
  9. Glad your happy with it mate, hope Harry likes his gift as well. Good luck to both of you, and good on you for getting your boy into catties and general out door life.
  10. http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/topic/310957-how-to-make-your-ownergo-catapult-from-start-to-finish/
  11. Lol Thursdays are a good day for geese shooting! I'm gunna hang a coke bottle high in a tree try and shoot it to see where I'm messing up :-/
  12. Yeah I measured and cut them on my mat mate, I was doing ok with the sps, then recently been shooting like a cock, not to sure what the problem is :-( lol
  13. Good going mate, I can't seem to hit much at the mo, struggling to slap my own ass :-(, god knows what I'm doing wrong, my elavated shots seem to be about 6" low :-(
  14. So would you say your more intuitive shooting now rather than trying to hold an aim on them?
  15. Your on fire at the mo Kyle ;-)........ Nothing's safe around you!
  16. lol good thinking mate! Looks good if you use different woods for caps and tips etc
  17. That's better mate, yeah that top fork will be a stunner! To dry them, put them in microwave for 15 seconds, then allow them to cool. Then repeat process until dry.
  18. I can't look at photobucket on my phone mate, can you copy and paste the IMG code of the picture onto the post?
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