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Everything posted by Longers7

  1. Signed Gamekeeper pinky poacher pm me if interested
  2. I bet the previous owner was chuffed to bits when he made that stock from a tie-died cereal box! FairPlay, blue peter eat your heart out ;-).
  3. Hi lads, currently have my ferrets in a large 2 tier cage, but looking to build my own out door set-up, with run and sleeping area etc. I'm a carpenter by trade and can get my hands on most of the materials for free, so seems mad to buy one. Just looking for a bit of inspiration, so if anybody could put a few pics up of there set-up that would be great, kind've want to incorporate a storage area for all my nets and gear etc, any help would be appreciated. Cheers
  4. was going to feed them to the stinkers, but found some nice early field mushrooms whilst out on a walk this morning, so may combine the two in a pie ;-)
  5. nice one buddy, yeah I agree with you, I'm loving this setup at the mo, tubes last sooooo much more longer than Theraband, I can't never be bothered to make TBG band sets up no more, so it suits me down to the ground, I'll get them tube sets made up for you this week mate,
  6. I prefer 10mm to 12mm, I find 12mm drops off a bit to quick,
  7. 10 and 12mm mate, these were shot using 10mm,
  8. Was kindly gifted a lead ball maker from Scott (Saluki bulls) on here, so made a few up during the week, my mate rang me earlier to see if I fancied a walk around his permission so thought I'd take a few of the lead balls and the catty with me, spotted a woody in a tree around 15m away, so pulled the catty out, my mate laughed and asked what I was going to do with that "toy"..... Next thing the woody was at his feet stone dead! Lol..... I let him have a go on the "toy"and to be honest he was........ Shite! So on we went, next up a young woodie sat on a gate.... Mate gave it the " you won't
  9. It is a good watch...... Just make sure it's only feral pigeons that your lamping....... As it's illegal on other quarry ;-)
  10. give it a go mate, see how you get on. Trial and error I suppose
  11. Signed gamekeeper pinky poacher catty, £25 posted
  12. yeah mate, just don't make it too long, I reckon about 20mm in length
  13. Just bought this Dan ford ssa catty from BPR, 1 of only 3 made by Dan, made using BPR's British army DPM uniform. Can't wait to get out and have a plink with it :-).......
  14. no mate, that's tubes. I use looped 1745s. Last forever!! Latex is a sheet elastic like theraband, comes in different thickness, .30 .40 etc. last a lot longer than theraband! i think you"l find 1745 is latex. you havin a blonde moment lol, yeah it is made from latex..... Thought he was asking if 1745 was latex in sheet form :-/
  15. no mate, that's tubes. I use looped 1745s. Last forever!! Latex is a sheet elastic like theraband, comes in different thickness, .30 .40 etc. last a lot longer than theraband!
  16. 8mm would be ok for target practise, but prob a bit small for hunting, there's a lad on fb selling 2000 9.5s for £30 delivered
  17. if using latex then yeah, as you need to max it out to get the maximum power from it, if using TBG etc then no, it doesn't last too well if you max it right out.
  18. As for taper, it is all down to personal preference, tapered bands are faster, but don't last long! If honest, straight cut bands of 25mm with 9.5 mm ammo, is plenty of power for taking most catty game.
  19. To measure how long you need bands, hold a tape measure in the hand you hold your catty, then pull the tape out with your other hand until you touch your anchor point, see how many inches it is, then divide that number by 4. For instance my draw is 32", so divide that by 4 gives me a band length of 8". This is what I cut my bands at.
  20. Mate your work is fantastic, somebody would have to be bloody good to out do you when it comes to this craft!
  21. Single TBG and 9.5mm ammo is easily enough power to take small game mate
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