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Everything posted by Longers7

  1. I'll take this if still available mate?
  2. Great numbers, and very artistic ;-)
  3. Nice stick Kev, I've got that antler enveloped up for you, will get it sent off tomorow hopefully
  4. Any hobs around Bristol area, willing to travel within reason? Cheers
  5. Looks good Kev, I finished my 2 sticks with tru-oil came up nicely, my old man liked his stick!
  6. Nice mate, my bird had one ferreting today
  7. Looking forward to getting out with ferrets and bird tomorow..... Hoping to get a few good flights!

    1. norseman


      good luck, heading out myself with the stinkers.


  8. Nice mate, bet it was nice getting out today and even better getting a kill! I'm out ferreting Saturday with my red tail, hoping to get a few good flights!
  9. Welcome mate, I know how you feel as I fly a male red tail :-/ lol
  10. Nice one Bob! I love it when you spot a woodie and your trying to get catty out pocket, whilst trying not to spook it off.
  11. I bought 2 Jill kits this season, I put them straight in with my 2 year old Jill, she did drag them around for a bit but they soon settled down, what sex ferrets are you trying to introduce to eachother mate?
  12. That's a nitemare Dan, my 3 got out a while back! My neighbour knocked the door to say that he had 2 ferrets running around his kitchen after getting in through the catflap..... Never found the other one tho, was gutted as it was best worker I had, try ringing local RSPCA see if any been handed in mate, worth a try
  13. Looks nice that knife mate, are the scales elm? Your dad will love it.... I would !
  14. It's a Gos hawk as well mate
  15. That's it Has it got anything connected to it's feet? Do you know any local falconers who could help to come and catch it? It would prob come down to a lure.
  16. can you see if it's got strips of leather hanging from it's feet?
  17. Does it look like this mate? If so then it's a Gos
  18. cheers Kev, gunna change the paracord in mine for flat leather lace.
  19. Never had a go at making a walking stick before, and really wanted to make my dad one for Xmas to go with the wellies I've bought him, my mum passed away unexpectedly recently, so wanted to make him something a bit sentimental, since a boy me and my dad often go out for walks together , he cut me a hazel thumb stick when I was around 10 years old, nothing special, ends cut with a knife and just left etc, but I've still got it and love it, even tho it's rough lol, so I wanted to return the deed. Knowing that my old man is a fan of thumb sticks, I used a buffalo horn thumb hole with horn and an
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