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About DonaldD

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    South Lanarkshire
  1. Used my male today hes still to hyper and when i try to pick him he goes daft and runs like f... but on the plus side hes a belter ah polecat and will do a fine breeding though i need to give him a run now and again. On the plus side took him home and took my females again and sure enough the bolted 1 rabbit so happy days. Can [NO TEXT TALK] care to put me out my misery "Do you feed your ferret before you got out or how long after they have eat do you need to wait i have heard so many stories. it would be much appreciated thank you.
  2. sure is going back tomorrow as well try and try to get some more
  3. Just back from ferreting n caught 2 healthy rabbits missed 4 though due to a bolt hole i had missed but hey my ferrets worked and done what they are meant too, i also have located another location where the farmer is letting me on to get rid of the rabbits by all means necessary either ferreting or shooting them so all in it has been a very good start the the Saturday.
  4. Cheers guys ive been doing that for a bout a week going round my local area i have also phoned and visited local golf courses aswell but im have got 2 bits of land already so im going to be going later to try out my 2 young females that i got off my litter and try n get a few rabbits for the pot. thanks much appreciated.
  5. hello i've recently came into ferreting and i love it started with 1 ferret now i have 4, always loved going for rabbit but nothing beats using a ferret. I'm from south lanarkshire and around my area it's mostly game keepers that owns the lands so i'm finding it difficult to get permission on land just so see if yous guys could offer any advice it would be much appreciated.
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