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Everything posted by lurcherman887

  1. Confused as to who you all are and how many usernames you use
  2. does Jerry springer have an acccount on here? Lol no its jeremy kyle
  3. In the blood yes lol... My grandad pulled up all the old family history yesterday he can get back to 1805 lived in convent gardens back then we did also pulled up old criminal records of a old chap who would of been a great great great ancestor. 5 convictions from stealing carrots to police finding 5 dead rabbits stuffed up chimney lol he was sent to australia for being naughty lol ... All steeplechasers we was back then oh and poachers lol
  4. Lol I have no spots :| haha and just sayin imo travvellers are easy to chat to and get on with. And normally fair enough fellasSpot on. I know one thing, I wouldn't watch them through a pair of bins then moan about it 20 years later on the Internet lol. Haha that made me laugh. And they would probaly be polite and understanding anyway because its not the rabbits they want but the tonn and half kabuta digger in the barn pmsl I could just picture innit going down to talk to them, Barbour jacket on, hunter wellies, mole skin trousers...... Heading back to his van in his Y's Haha
  5. Not my cup of tea but all the best. Nortenlite off here loves a bebby x grayleyhound
  6. Lol I have no spots :| haha and just sayin imo travvellers are easy to chat to and get on with. And normally fair enough fellasSpot on. I know one thing, I wouldn't watch them through a pair of bins then moan about it 20 years later on the Internet lol. Haha that made me laugh. And they would probaly be polite and understanding anyway because its not the rabbits they want but the tonn and half kabuta digger in the barn pmsl
  7. Lol I was removed off some land recently by one fat gamekeeper 3 of us. It is wat it is if your on someones patch and get caught then its time to go as simple as. We packed up and left no more said and give us a bolloking then gave me permission to ferret there anyway so worked out ok... Oh and pointed me in right direction to get more perm which I did so all good. But he was still an arsehole about it
  8. Lol I have no spots :| haha and just sayin imo travvellers are easy to chat to and get on with. And normally fair enough fellas
  9. Yes everyone bleeds the same and id be more worried of some africans with spears than a couple gypsys lol
  10. Lol yes you gonna have hands full there id say
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