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Everything posted by lurcherman887

  1. Second that most time take no filter atall jus very dim and picks up the eyes perfectI use an amber filter but mainly for protection to lens, always have lamp as dim as possible then crank it up just before the run. Yeh that's right mate
  2. the word iv read some bollox comments on here before now and thats up there with the best of them Sorry mate it was a post not a comment dont be sorry pal,coming from a lad that looks about 12 in his pics i take everything you say on board...................then forget it in an instant Lads you can tell my age buy my legs god your good a pat on the back you need you started shaving yet lad Hahaha I'll take that as a compliment hunter and I am 26 if you wanted to know you should of just asked but I don't bat for that side mate atb
  3. the word iv read some bollox comments on here before now and thats up there with the best of them Sorry mate it was a post not a comment dont be sorry pal,coming from a lad that looks about 12 in his pics i take everything you say on board...................then forget it in an instant Lads you can tell my age buy my legs god your good a pat on the back you need
  4. Maybe but some are oviously more. Unpredictable than others? And I'm sure a bull x would do a hell lot more damage 2
  5. iv read some bollox comments on here before now and thats up there with the best of them Sorry mate it was a post not a comment
  6. Yeh I have a saluki whippet greyhound pup here right stubborn bitch but getting there I've always kept collie x and seem to get on with them much better
  7. have you discussed it with your doctor Not as of yet paul thl is always my first option these fookers will just wind you up Lol yes I give as good as I get and your always here to ban them for me ffs don't start that, another conspiracy theory i can do without Lol sorry didn't mean to mention it
  8. Second that most time take no filter atall jus very dim and picks up the eyes perfect
  9. Yeh I suppose the odd one but mainly the bull x
  10. have you discussed it with your doctor Not as of yet paul thl is always my first option these fookers will just wind you up Lol yes I give as good as I get and your always here to ban them for me
  11. have you discussed it with your doctor Not as of yet paul thl is always my first option
  12. I've seen many. And seem them take all quarry but can't kennel them with other dogs can't trust them around kids. Whatever happened to the laid back lurcher
  13. Yeah the t shirt hunters don't help and always been the same have to travel a good way for a half decent night don't bother me always happy to be out
  14. Can't stand them unsociable want to rip over dogs up mates got a few can't take your dogs near them. They just wanna fight worthless shit*s in my eyes I'd rather a pug what you reckon lads
  15. Lucky to get 3 or 4 round here mate its the norm
  16. That made me laugh haBull x Pike. Some tenacity that would have. Good long back aswell. Would be some animal be a great swimmer too aha I was leaning more towards a bull x frog for the jumping you no
  17. Quiet night for meself walked miles and only managed one but happy to be out !!
  18. Hard and time consuming business rearing the pup takes a lot of patience mine still drives me mentel when out but wouldn't change noting about the old bitch
  19. Ferreting this morning only managed one as was bolting them no nets and in woodlands so quite tricky. Back out tonight not much wind and clear aswell but beats sitting on your ass good to be out atb lads
  20. Do what mushroom would do give him a good kick
  21. Yes the disobedient bags of bones ,some animals though. Stick to the collie xs meself
  22. Piece of string does the job ,,mind you kinda hurts your hands if the busterd pulls
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