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Everything posted by lurcherman887

  1. Got to ask why the dog was a target in the first place. If that was true and he still had the dog, why would he say he had a new one, defeats the purpose no? Maybe yes but even still talk of the new dog Takes the mind off vinnie no?
  2. Never had facebook but heard about what some of the lads post on there just asking for it aint they
  3. No dog on this earth is worth that sort of money it could kill any animal on this planet I wouldn't pay that them just numbers that being dropped in the hope that the fall into the ear of some idiot with a few quid A lot of doh too be spent on a dog if it is happening I'd rather buy meself a nice jeep lol
  4. What if you pretend your dogs stolen then your dog doesent become a target I've read it too and don't belive much of it jmo
  5. Give him 5 slips and he caught 3 run him with me mates shepard cross on a couple seemed to make him try a lot harder picked 3 up so happy he stood 2 off at he hedge also cheers for advice lads just easy slips now to get confidence up for a bit.
  6. 10k for a jukel wouldn't mind being few pennys behind you fellas lol
  7. Yeah fields was quite wet mate and will do check him over cheers
  8. Cheers seksu thought that myself just get his confidence up easy slips
  9. I'd say so mate just like he don't try he's best sometimes
  10. He usually does well enough for me mate put a smile cross me face many times lol I had him of a freind who needed rid for genuine reasons and he starts his dogs on the lamp 14 15 monthHow long you had him? Has he been running anything else apart from rabbits? About 6 month now and just the bunnys not been stuck into anything else
  11. He usually does well enough for me mate put a smile cross me face many times lol I had him of a freind who needed rid for genuine reasons and he starts his dogs on the lamp 14 15 month
  12. Too much hassle mate she has 6 the lil fuckers now haha
  13. No injury from what I can see and not sick he's in he's self lots energy. You reckon walk him down to every one get his success rate up??? he's only 2 year so his first proper season maybe take it easy with him give him easy runs??
  14. Well found some new land few nights back good open miles of land full of bunnys dog wasn't running well to say the least was like he was just plodding behind them not trying as well as he can the only ones he caught was squatters and took them in there seat quite dissapointed when giving him good sensible runs and 80yrds plus runs to the hedge and he just running them in no strike nothing just plodding bunnys giving him a good run around lamping the rabbit and thinking where fu*k are you taking his time then its too late any ideas why he run like this not the first time I no he's no machine an
  15. can just picture you typing that with a 9 skinner hanging out your mouth Haha 9? That's long mind you it depends what's inside it
  16. Who's going to look after thl if he's pts
  17. Quite depressing this thread in all honesty ,paulus I'd push you across the fields in a wheelchair anyday mate just make sure you get some decent off road tyres and we'll be away
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