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Everything posted by Slabcatcher

  1. Here he is at 3 and a half months old standing at 17". To say he,s only a youngster he stays close and is getting really alert and attentive. Flushed a few birds up and run a couple of squirrels up trees but that's it. Really pleased up to now. Anyway just thought I'd share. Slab
  2. I think someone's been well and truly rumbled lol Slab
  3. Think that myself too... Some fella "bitch slaps" you - well you just wouldn't stand there and take it .lol. Do a bit of research on the dude that's doing the slapping and you would, especially if you have crossed him and took the piss Slab
  4. Sign out, close browser, clear cache then log back in Just a suggestion as I have to do this now and again on other forums Slab
  5. Another here who used a car spotlight which I managed to get from a scrapyard. It was a right find at the time. In fact I found three. Powered by a motorbike battery which was housed in a shoulder bag made of belting from the pit. The beltmen at the pit used to make them for us. Those were the days Slab
  6. Really sorry for you and your dog. Positive vibes coming your way mate. RIP Scooby Slab
  7. Thank you for the welcome guys/gals Hopefully here's a pic of my pup as of today. He,s 12 and a half weeks http://
  8. Definitely patience for me too and I've been around a few years to have learnt that from experience Slab
  9. Will be interesting for me to find out. I had my first lurcher in 1983 but for the last 10 years I've had terriers. I've now got a lovely whippet cross pup 12 weeks old. I've already spent more time and patience on him than any other dog I've had but I reckon as long as he puts it in then I'll be a happy old hunter. When I was young I wanted every run or every shot to be a kill but it won't be like that now for me I don't think but only time will tell. As long as he's honest then that'll do for me Slab
  10. She looks stunning mate, credit to you Slab
  11. But if its got great feet and no speed or balls its crap if you look at it another way Slab
  12. A fool and his money are soon elected Slab
  13. Slabcatcher


    When I was young I decided to go to medical school. The entrance exam asked us to rearrange the letters in the following in order to form a word that names an important human body part that is most useful when erect: PNEIS Those who answered SPINE are doctors today, while the rest are on facebook. Slab
  14. I'm just in the process of choosing a design for my hand but can assure you it will be far better quality than that. I have full sleeves so know its imperative to do your homework on the tattooist Choose one where you can see plenty of his work and plenty of the type of work you require Slab
  15. I'm a match angler (hence the name) so rarely take pics of my catch but I've had carp to 21lb and a bream that went 10lb 8oz. I've also broke a couple of bream match records in my time Slab
  16. I bet you are really pleased with your dog and the size of the old fox, nice one mate Slab
  17. Hello everyone. Just though I'd introduce myself I had my first lurcher in 1983 but in the mid 90's due to work had to finish working them. I then went on to have Patterdale terriers. The lure of seeing all the awesome lurchers at shows etc was just too much. I lost my old boy Patterdale about 6 weeks ago So 4 weeks ago I got myself a whippet/red lakey x whippet/bull. He's a stunning looking little brindle that should max out at 22" if his parents are anything to go by Look forward to being part of the forum and learning new tricks Slab
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