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Everything posted by Tink1

  1. yes shes on k9 search. Dogs lost etc. emailing vets her missing poster. just trying to get her shared where ever we can
  2. well ive heard it all now.Only an animal says a lot about you.doesnt matter whether its a pet or a worker.show them respect and treat them right.hope your dog is okay and fair play to you.
  3. it was a good day with good company.the dogs worked their butts off
  4. not a bad day.they were sitting damn tight but got them moving in the end
  5. ive used drontal liquid on pups.just as good.
  6. he sure is a cracker.his head was down and arse up.looking forward to many happy days to come.
  7. Harvest mites in themselves are supposedly harmless,but they are now linking this seasonal canine disorder to the mites.there is a lot more research going on into this.the animal health trust are doing a survey on it.as there has been 29 cases in one part of the country and most of the dogs have died.its certainly a strange one.
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