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About johnpirate

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  • Location
    Lancashire England
  1. They used to reckon that the 200Tdi was the tougher engine and early 300,s had the problem with the belts,but they have all been sorted by now.I had a 200 Tdi Disco good old beast ran on veg oil no problems .I changed to a 300Tdi auto disco.Thirsty as hell and thanks to the electronics fitted not too good.I have a 300Tdi Defender now a lot nicer engine without the electronicsalthough not as good on veg oil as the 200,s
  2. Ive got a 1996 300Tdi truck cab defender gave £5000 for it three years ago .It had only done 46000 mile from new a proper farmers hack.The rear load space was still full of silage.I,ve had a few problems and this week I,m changing the rear crossmember after so called friend read clown into that ,hit the brakes whilst I was towing him and ripped my towing eye straight out of the chassis making a proper mess.I,ve had Landrovers for over fifteen years and am happy to stick with them .My first was a series two and have had Discos and even a Freelander for a while .Any problems are usually overcome
  3. Hi Stig I,ve got that one on my computor thanks.i,m trying to get my neighbour to help me build one as I,m useless at diy.I can strip an engine no probs weld rust piece of cake but any form of woodwork no chance I measure twice and screw up the cut straight away.I used an angle grinder to cut my skirting board when fitting my gun cabinet and set fire to the bedroom carpet/
  4. Hi I,m a new member the nams John obviously ,Been shooting and ferreting as well as messing about in my Landrover for years.I stumble across the forum looking for information on a ladder trap.Going to have a nosey round hopefully will find lots of useful info.
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