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About breay80

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  • Birthday 12/03/1980

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  1. Great to here you've re joined and I'm looking forward to meeting at the show. I believe I've signed you up. Your cards are in the post ??
  2. First prize arrived for Entered terrier champion and reserve champion at the fell and moorlands national championship. Big thankyou for sponsorship to the fell and moorlands and bellman and flint
  3. Not good to hear that. I've got members all over the UK and rare have meetings going to use this show for a get together. Please feel free to come and give us another try. Find me out at the show and introduce yourself
  4. No ones questioning the history of the club but membership numbers have slumped in recent years and we are trying to put the club back out there and increase the numbers
  5. We are looking to reinvigorate the club more members and stronger in numbers ?
  6. We have a new championship in 2022. We have a bar and home cooked food on Saturday. camping on Friday and Saturday Stalls are welcome with a donation and prize for the raffle. Great trophies and prizes
  7. We have a new championship in 2022. We have a bar and home cooked food on Saturday. camping on Friday and Saturday Stalls are welcome with a donation and prize for the raffle. Great trophies and prizes
  8. We have a new championship in 2022. We have a bar and home cooked food on Saturday. camping on Friday and Saturday Stalls are welcome with a donation and prize for the raffle. Great trophies and prizes
  9. We had no joy, covered three major rock marks and two piece woodland spent 3 hours and not a sign. Plenty of place he could hunker down out the weather.
  10. Going up this morning to help have a look its on my back door step been a good minus past few night so hope its found some shelter
  11. North Midlands and West Midlands area email address is Staffsfellandmoorlands@outlook.com please send me mail to join
  12. Cheaper than putting the heating on ???. You do anything to save a quid????
  13. Reputable not reckless, my bad
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