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Jord M

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About Jord M

  • Rank
    Born Hunter
  • Birthday 09/04/1989

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    Sunny Sunderland
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  1. Had my old dog pts this year me girlfriend new how muched a loved the dog so a woke up on Christmas day to this oil painting off her
  2. Your pups sire jeppi had to get him pts due to he's back legs going, never get other dog like him
  3. Trevor? His litter brother was doing well. Not sure how he's doing now tho Trevor? His litter brother was doing well. Not sure how he's doing now tho
  4. He's about 22 mate the white dog pup I put a picture of earlier on on the threads just short of 24 now how talks yours mate
  5. 2 pups out the litter at the front white bitch and sandy and black dog
  6. Just seen these mate havnt been on for a while he's looking weel look forward to see how he turns out atb mate weel have a look out next season
  7. Yea mate he took a bitch Pup, he travelled down from the top of Scotland I think I met him at Lockerbie with the the Pup to save him a extra few hours drive lol
  8. And Mary all I want is pick of litter for 1 of my mates and if there's any spare then my other 2 mates I'll take them
  9. I bred the dog glyn, think you no the lad I give him to then I got him back he's got chaz nd neith in his sires breeding
  10. The rest doing well jeppi mate the dog pup in first pics 22tts already
  11. He's a cracker him mate al get some better pics up, the dog pup had he's first rag on a dead bunny the other day he loved it haha
  12. Preferably a patt but will consider a lakey type as a few mates of mine are crying out for a Pup off him, not looking for just any old bitch. The dogs seen his fair share of work not find another 1 like him... P.m Me for more info
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