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Everything posted by welcome

  3. Any greyhound track usually will have someone selling meat or if yea want to p m me theirs a man up the road sells all kinds of meat and fish solid or minced
  4. Icey im after sending yea a message so il stay out of this getting dizzy going around in circles
  5. hear theres a new squad on facebook.LOLFacebook is like fantasy land for these lads their telling each other stories and their getting better and better they wouldent know a dog if he grabbed them by the balls FFS i seen some of these new d v d s and if thats what they want give me the mongrels i have every time .Two foot of grass in the middle of summer throw the dog on top of the hare FFS WHAT HAPPENED TO FAIR PLAY OR SPORT its no wonder its banned in the u,k and its going to be banned here aswell more fellas hunting now than at christmas their only getting in to full swing now What DVD wa
  6. hear theres a new squad on facebook.LOLFacebook is like fantasy land for these lads their telling each other stories and their getting better and better they wouldent know a dog if he grabbed them by the balls FFS i seen some of these new d v d s and if thats what they want give me the mongrels i have every time .Two foot of grass in the middle of summer throw the dog on top of the hare FFS WHAT HAPPENED TO FAIR PLAY OR SPORT its no wonder its banned in the u,k and its going to be banned here aswell more fellas hunting now than at christmas their only getting in to full swing now What DVD wa
  7. hear theres a new squad on facebook.LOL Facebook is like fantasy land for these lads their telling each other stories and their getting better and better they wouldent know a dog if he grabbed them by the balls FFS i seen some of these new d v d s and if thats what they want give me the mongrels i have every time .Two foot of grass in the middle of summer throw the dog on top of the hare FFS WHAT HAPPENED TO FAIR PLAY OR SPORT its no wonder its banned in the u,k and its going to be banned here aswell more fellas hunting now than at christmas their only getting in to full swing now
  8. Better start now tiger dident you bring a man up their before it took him 5 weeks to slip at his first hare???????????
  9. ted the wheaton , would anyone knw some of the dogs in the other photographs
  10. Why yea think yer dad wanted to buy him i never ran a dog harder than i did after that race that was his second season he ran for six Sorry lads leave it about lady its not about ned my dad buy out with a few pints down him Not in the pub bigliks wel get back to lady i have a few more picks of the old stuff il try and get them up
  11. Why yea think yer dad wanted to buy him i never ran a dog harder than i did after that race that was his second season he ran for six Sorry lads leave it about lady its not about ned
  12. Less than half icey and that race was 6 mins ans 40 seconds on a stop watch of a 200 yard slip
  13. But with 100yards start that a different story it could take a min to stop him at the right time of year and some of the slower ones might not stop him at all
  14. So lady had more wind than a half saluki but she did not have the wind for big land but 99% of half salukis have enough wind for big land .So ted would have same wind as her alot faster and no comparing the strike he dont miss that often if he gets the chance.Was lue not a great killer and did she not kill alot of english hares was that all on small land aswell did she not go to a fen either . What about the clips any chance of getting some up i ment 99% of half x not have enough wind for the big land So if yea get all the stay yea dont have the speed and half saluki is not enough
  15. So lady had more wind than a half saluki but she did not have the wind for big land but 99% of half salukis have enough wind for big land .So ted would have same wind as her alot faster and no comparing the strike he dont miss that often if he gets the chance.Was lue not a great killer and did she not kill alot of english hares was that all on small land aswell did she not go to a fen either . What about the clips any chance of getting some up
  16. About the same maybe lue would have a small bit less but she killed some hares on the fens ?????????Did lady not out run your half saluki or yer dad told me she did ????
  17. was liverpool lou n lady related speed. They were lue was of flathead and her mother was same as ladys father .AND SO DID I MICKY And judy was of flathead and a bitch same way bred as lady all same breeding keep telling people but they dont want to know
  18. was liverpool lou n lady related speed. They were lue was of flathead and her mother was same as ladys father .AND SO DID I MICKY
  19. More than ever robin thats how i lost all the weight
  20. haha only a young mush there permedHair the lot loll I was lucky Boy seen some great dogs run of the past Owen you lost me I have a lot to say on here ? I only come on once a year to sort DVD out loll Yea robin ye were at that about the great dogs that time then ye bought two of us HA HA HA few years on same tune different record
  21. Their all after them now when i had them they were no good only owl f***ing fox dogs i was told f***ing goats they called when i brought them to sligo
  22. B T beside P.H in the last pic they were hunting mates at the time he came to england with us some man for a sing song great crack
  23. Castlebellingham ben not many of the present day top coursing men around their thats only a few years ago
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