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About gazk

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  1. gazk

    Bird Swarcking

    thanks for the advice
  2. gazk

    Bird Swarcking

    hi not been on the computer , right to answer I have been taking the bird out training most nights and weekends heavy couple of days rain last week didn't take him out so feed him through tube was told not to let him associate me with food ? so tried using the tube , have been using the lure too have not had any live quarry has yet . hope this makes it a bit more sence
  3. gazk

    Bird Swarcking

    He,s 1lb4oz I have been feeding through tube last few days has it has been raining heavy he`s only a young bird
  4. gazk

    Bird Swarcking

    Hi guys my Harris Hawk has started swarcking a lot recently any way to stop him (I feed him through a tube into the aviary /mews I carnt be seen and I take him out every day )
  5. Hi, I am new to the forum and I am wondering if anyone has land in West Yorkshire where I can take my Hawk and ferrets out / or where there is somewhere suitable? My Harris is only young and any advice or tips would be greatly appreciated. Cheers Gaz
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