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Everything posted by blackscale

  1. How the Fek are they getting away with this????? Surely they have to prove that the 'item' is illegal....and if it is a firearm, should they not be handing it to the police so you can be arrested for being the dangerous criminal you are..... ...please explain how they can commit a criminal act and get away with it!!? Surely if they say 'this isa firearm' then they have to produce paperwork to prove it....god they piss me off so much!!
  2. I think one of the main reasons for spring twang is spring guide fit! Get a spring guide turned (out of ptfe, to an interference fit) by a friendly airgunner on here and it won't twag. The sleeve suggested earlier helps to contain the grease and stop it getting everywhere i believe! Goodluck mike
  3. some lovely looking animals in that lot! Love the wired haired lurcher, just my sort of dog
  4. Shame we can't have that limit in our country,,,would do away with a bit of windage!...
  5. The Digi night eye is mean't to be good as well! Hawke aren't the 'cheap' scopes they used to be and the glass is superb in my experience...the panorama isn't expensive and great glass!
  6. What a great welcome!! Think i am going to enjoy this forum..As for Southern Hunters this year...can't wait!! Are you covering it again davvy?
  7. AA diablo or JSB pellets are always best for hunting, any well made diablo really, if your rifle is pellet fussy try a different batch number (on the back of the tin) no point in penetrating deep if you can't hit the mark....pointed pellets are usually pretty inaccurate imo Goodluck!
  8. My name is Mike and i use the airgun bbs mainly. Hadn't heard of your forum until Davvy, Si Pittaway and Wurz (no idea of their usernames but they have the airgun channel on you tube..) shot at my club (i run Mile Oak Shooting Club) and they were telling me how good this forum was especially as you cover a wide range of 'banned on bbs' subjects which are of interest to me! Anyway, i am mainly an 'HFT'er' but also hunt, not interested in powder burners, just like airguns, not that i have anything against them they just aren't for moi! I enjoy a bit of banter and a good laugh.... spongey (
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