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Everything posted by kbs_05

  1. yeah we tryed for ages to get a couple of hounds but in the end we gave up and bred some crosses from beagles and griffons and now a bit spaniel. they hunt realy well as a pack and are easier to keep up with.
  2. i didnt think that established packs would give pups away unless it was to another pack.
  3. kbs_05


    cheers for that. at the moment i have griffon x springers four of them can do anything a pack of hounds can. think i will give the teckel a miss.
  4. kbs_05


    cheer boys im interested in.getting one i already have a small pack of hound types but just wanted to try somthing different.
  5. kbs_05


    are tekels any good as bushing dogs and do they speak on a line?
  6. hi there im looking for a beaglexspanial pup or older dog in scotland
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