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Everything posted by .357shooter

  1. Are you fecking retarded.just saying like.
  2. or was it skynet ?.
  3. would have to agree that really looks like they have ruined it.the childish kid(red hair) was enough for me and pedro pascal is in it.he ruined wonder woman so bad.
  4. the bloke did feck all,he failed and should not get anything in return.might aswell give that new doctor who bloke the job for all the good it will do.
  5. now i am not the best shot in the world but at that range i could have hit any point within a 1/4 inch .trump was very lucky that kid did not know one end of a rifle from another.
  6. Apparently based in wattisham Suffolk.
  7. Just went passed heading north.anybody know the range on one of them.
  8. i do see them a fair bit around cheltenham but not flying less than 100 feet above the house.
  9. so two just flew over my house straight over the doughnut.anybody know where they are based near gloucester ?.
  10. bit like banning handguns as that has worked so well.another nail in the head for another type of shooting.
  11. well my mate was shooting his today at 50m and put pellet on pellet .gun was electronic and spoke to you in an american voice.20 or so shot magazine using i think 34g pellets doing 70 foot pounds.think it was scout not much change out of 3k but it was doing every thing you would expect out of an fac airgun.if you like gadgets this is the one for you.
  12. minimum 1000 foot pounds energy for muntjac and cwd and bigger deer you need 1700 foot pounds.my little rifle gets about 900 foot pounds with factory ammo.
  13. did watch the documentary on the ancient civilisation(atlantis) on netfix which was good as graham hancock has questioned all the experts and made his mind up that they are mostly wrong on how we devolped from hunter gatherers to building giant monoliths in a very short time and not only that doing very well and very big first time with no evidence of a build up of skills to complete the work.it is like overnight they knew how to build massive henges,temples and pyramids.lots of this building happened a lot further back than has been told by the experts too.the knowledge must have been passed
  14. competition only and .357m is only suitable for upto fox i think it is even though i know it will take down a bear,moose in the usa/canada must be our .357m is different here in the uk.
  15. could not be done over here to many cheats.get enough in the comps we do over here that are postal.people shoot the wrong targes at the wrong distance and then some shoot comp cards without the competition stickers on them.if you shoot comps you know when those littlie white stickers are there you scores will drop.some of the scores that are published are a joke.this is not comming from a newbie and a shit shot i am up there and no what is possible and what is not.bit like sanbagging all year to get your average down just to win one competition against you average.have heard of people using kn
  16. to the original question no i have had all five of them in the office and fired a lot of fucks into them and they had no reply.this is after many years of being pushed around and i will not have it any more.so good luck to you.
  17. from your response i can tell what type of person yor are(or are trying to come across as) but will not start slating you on the internet.have only ever hit 3 people in my life.not a chopsy c**t and people assume they can push me around.not on that day had had enough of people like that.call it my falling down moment if you will.
  18. again cheers for the positive replies.as said i train less now once a week in fact but do not over train these two just the same amount of sets and reps.did get called a dwarf by a little fella once who was 6ft 3ins.not nice and promptly put him on his arse.
  19. Cheers for the replies yes to eating enough as lats,triceps and shoulders are growing.i do hammers and do the preacher curls .back has the nice v shape to it.mate at work said I look bit than ever.other mate thought my arms were bigger than his but he has 20" guns.
  20. have gone for abolt action stainless ruger mk77 in .357 magnum.it is a little lighter but shoots well and is nice and accurate straight out of the box with the same loads that i used in the henry.
  21. so i have been doing this for a while and no my way around a gym/equipment but after so many years and a fair few injuries my biceps and chest are stuck on 44" and 17".my height is 5ft 6 Inches and i am about 92kgs.really need some advice on getting these two muscle groups to grow.triceps are good/lats are good and shoulders are good.have tried different amounts of reps and sets and going heavy and going light.have tried supersets but these two do not want to budge.so other than taking some juice is there anything else left to try ?.should have said tried different types of exercises on each g
  22. as stated before 90% of drivers are now assholes.will not indicate will pull out on you,will not give way,can not use roundabouts,run red lights,expect you do give way when you have right of way,basically will do everything they can to piss you off.parking is now a free for all.funnily enough when some asshole drives straight at you on the wrong side of the road and you do the same it does not go down very well.great one is at junctions people now stop in the middle of the road and because of this you can not turn left ffs.another great habit is swinging out onto the wrong side of the road to
  23. nothing to say all of it is shite nothing original and marvel have ruined everything like disney.to much foreign crap.
  24. load of bollox no idead what it is about and do not give a feck.
  25. should tell them to feck off home.cheeky cts.i should demand a buss pass and free accomodation and i would also like some spending money please ffs.the council is considering this which tells you the lot of them need sacking or they should pay for this out of their salary.
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