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Everything posted by .357shooter

  1. like a lot of things people are afraid to say what they have seen as others who have not seen will state that you have not seen anything ffs.could be big cats people who were not there when i saw one tell me i did not see one.my dad has seen a ufo but everyone else on the planet will tell him he did not see it.as for the taz tiger i like to believe they are still around just to oppose all the nay sayers.the world after all is a bloody big place lots of places without humans about to kill every last thing.
  2. so still looking if anyone knows of any for sale.at this point in time i may aswell just buy a brand new one with these fitted and part ex mine against it ffs.
  3. have to discredit him as much as possible.fling enough shit and all that.still worried that he has too good a chance of winning again.thing is if he did win he still would not win again as the software is out there to rig it again as last time ffs.
  4. easy solution when you hit retirement age make sure you only have ennough money for a train ticket to france.make your way to the immigrant camp and just hop onto a dingy and say you are a child immigrant from some war torn shithole.easy money and much better of than getting feck all from your pension plus no tax ever again as all is payed for ?.
  5. i take it her "talent" has dried up and she is desperate for more attention then.
  6. will watch when it eventually ends up on flix or amazon but will not pay extra to do so.amazon prime make me laugh with the home premier crap and you can watch this now for £16.no thanks not worth more than a tenner that you would pay for the dvd when it come out.
  7. sorry just read the start of this thread and just wtf.imagine going back lets say just 30 years and telling people this is how f****d up our country/world will become.nobody would believe you ffs.how much worse can things get ?.surely we must be near rock bottom by now.
  8. on my tippman i have a vortex strike eagle 1-6x24 which i like a lot.used for mini gun and 25y lsr when i get the chance.very good clear glass with a lifetime warranty.
  9. looks like we will be getting another female pm with javid showing his support for her today and not for his mate.
  10. decided to go as it was free to get in.did a lap of the place then got food.would recommend the pig roast rolls up in the right hand corner of the food area.so good i went back for another later.gunmakers row was a bit better than the last gamefair i went to but still feck all there o wanted to buy.was after pellets mostly for the springers and my pcp but there was very little available.do did well as i bought her a new squeky pheasant and a pigs ear that last all of 2mins.as there was nothing much to waste my money on i went to the kin stall and bought a case.grabbed 6 packs of pork scratch
  11. twat,should of done a little research into what thickness of material was needed to stop about a tonne of shark doing 30mph.may aswell be sat in a carboard box ffs.
  12. would be nice if the public had the vote for the next pm.just like that boat that had that name decided upon by the public.boaty mc boat face i think it was and then the organisers point blank ignored that decision.we too could hopefully make a fecking joke out of it too as the lot of them have no idea and will not do the job.
  13. gray man .netflix big budget attempt.so over the top with the shoot out in the middle of some european city.the audi was bullett proof and the main guy may aswell been in the matrix as the bullets could just not hit him.scene on the plane was so over the top as when one guy is fighting him the other would just shoot him at distance ffs.the bond girl was easy on the eye.captain america played the bad guy fairly well and ken seems to play the same character in every one of his films.
  14. all i know about weed is a bloke at work smokes a lot of it and he is one lazy mf.wanders around dragging his feet and can not concentrate on his job for more than 5 mins.will not be told anything as he allready knows everything.another guy i know who used to smoke it said it is seriously bad for you and will feck you up.
  15. why is it such a suprise that such a dangerous dog that is breed for one thing then turns around and does what it is breed to do ?.unfortunately people seem to have lost all common sense and need to told it is a very dangerous animal that can easily kill an adult male let alone some poor kid ffs.
  16. .357shooter


    did think about it but as usual forgot about it.have not been since the days you could just turn up and pay by cash on the gate.
  17. looks like will wil get the billionare who knows exactly how the working man thinks and so we will be much better off once he gets in.
  18. so today it was the same as yesterday topping out at 37 deg c.
  19. no idea outside but in the factory today it was 37 deg C.
  20. so combined india amd china have lets say 35% of the worlds total population but it is the white man that has produced all of the pollution.the figures tell a very different story.
  21. like the people who run the country give a feck about us .
  22. just seen a piece that says skittles have something in them called titanium dioxide which if consumed in large enough quantities can do damage to your dna ffs.stuff should have never been put into food and was supposed to be phased out in 2016 but is still in them. makes the stuff look nice and shiny wtf.
  23. no idea what its worth but a bloke at work said today that the local srapyard is paying £400 for a car.
  24. so out of all the vermin who think they have a shot do you think will make it ?
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