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About .357shooter

  • Rank
    Extreme Hunter
  • Birthday 03/11/1971

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  1. Watched Nosferatu total shite.roadhouse was crap too . would not recommend either.
  2. Did see the gorge the monsters were not up to much and the shooting across the gorge with those weapons and optics was a fecking joke.would be a miracle if they hit the tower let alone hitting a bottle FFS
  3. these animals (hamas) or less than should never be allowed in any western country end of.the clowns in charge allowing this medival mindset to invade the uk should be strung up in the tower of london.
  4. Good news only 65 for me so 12 years left.
  5. yet again all the bullshit and lies from the media.never the truth or any facts anymore.if it is a person of colour all you get is no description and a random attack and nothing to do with terrorism.lone wolf and radicalised and such and utter crap.but still nothing is done to stop the flow and more and more white people are being murdered.something is very wrong when the normal working class people who are forced to pay for this invasion are then not protected from such evil.
  6. funny how not much mention of this on the news.it is as if the clowns can not handle the truth.the woke muppets are saying keep your nose out of uk politics when what was it labour did in the us again ?.the sooner these muppets are out the better we will all be.
  7. Was known to the police yet was allowed to commit this act of terrorism.just shows our lives do not matter.
  8. It only takes a 12 foot long one to be able to bite you in half.orca,s are way more dangerous as those feckers are smart and don't just act on instinct like great whites.
  9. Just a random attack nothing to worry about.
  10. What sort of c**t decided that a criminal being treated as a criminal deserves my fecking tax dollars FFS.the clown that awarded it that money should be made to pay that back to the tax payers.
  11. this ^ i do not want.all the people for it should house these people in their own homes.
  12. .357shooter


    so back on topic it is just a load of adults doing the deed with children nothing more.
  13. Fiends up in Canada have just lost all their goats and ponies to coyotes.even after shooting a dozen or so.
  14. has just said unqualified staff have been emlpoyed under the scope of diversity ffs.this will be the reason the aircraft crashed .
  15. these dumb c**ts that jog with 2000 lumen head torches ffs.now you get blinded by these clowns too.
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