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Lewis Macdonald

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About Lewis Macdonald

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  1. Cheers for comments - yup the hutch will be sat on top of concreate, hopefully they wont excape from that! I've attached a photo of one of the beaches I'm looking at working, roughly about 1 mile long and loaded with rabbits (and geese), the locals have no problems with people picking them off as they eat everything in sight.
  2. Cheers for the response, the wife is happy with the feedback in connection to the smell (personally I don't care how had it is)
  3. Hi Folks My first post here – looking for information and advice from the professional! I’m pretty new to the ferreting business, but very keen to get it off ground and get out there on a regular basis. I’ve been reading over the great wealth of information on the forum (which you have kindly contributed to) and think I have a good idea of what is needed – however – would much appreciated anyone can give constructive feedback on what I have in mind. Looking at getting the following equipment: Hutch – Looking for a large one with a run, I work away from home most of the day so
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