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Everything posted by lurchers2533

  1. there no betta way than chucking it in with a exsperienced dog imo.once it gets its first kill it will know what to do and to exspect after an should be keen as f**k to try.atb pal
  2. what about the brown an white one pal real nice looking dog?how tall?
  3. my mate had a big deer grey x an although it could and did smash the hares he ended up being a cracking fox dog
  4. ive just about finished my kennel for me pup coming at xmas ive got it hlf foot off ground ive insulated it with heat an sound proof insulation that i got for nothing from work an carpeted floor.will chuck a bed in [BANNED TEXT] loads of bedding an i reckon he will be fine.if it was upto me he would be indoors.but already got 2 lurchers in house that the mrs constantly moans about.lol
  5. shove ya wifes finger up its arse.then everytime dog makes a noise get the wife to point at it!!!if anything you aint gotta get out bed to sort the thing out!!!!
  6. i would think greyhoundxbull to collie greyhound maybe a dash of deerhound in there somewhere.i can imagine a good tuff dog coming from that strain
  7. i live in leicstershire and am desperate for some permission for lamping and ferreting.if i print off 200 letters and post them at every farm i can find within a hlf desent distance do u think that would work?if anyone has any ideas or knows of anyone please let me know thanks
  8. how do you get your pics on pal?ive got photobucket but cnt figure out how to put the f****rs on been trying for last week!lol
  9. will try it pal.ive tried mateing my bitch few times as really wanted a litter from her.an she never takes and has phantoms everytime im gonna get her spade after xmas an got a pup coming boxing day!!!roll on xmas!!!
  10. theres a injection the vets can give that stops them going into season think its pretty pricey an they will only usually do it once but worth looking into pal good luck
  11. ive nothing against foxing or coursing personally.damn good fun if your into that.but neglecting your dogs like thats f**cking stupid.they dnt deserve the privalige of a good working dog.and 50 coppers!!!!!what the f**ck!!!them nobs need to get there prioritys right!
  12. done it just cant work out how to put pics on here.lol ????
  13. done it just cant work out how to put pics on here.lol ????
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