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Everything posted by LoneHunter

  1. Thanks Longers, got fed up of my black widow and saw the catties on here so thought I'd have ago at making my own lol
  2. Very basic cattie I made using tube elastic, Y shape piece of oak (microwave dried, thanks for the tip bazil), tied on with nylon thread and hemp string over the top, brushed with linseed oil then a thin layer of yacht varnish. Draws the length of my arm and some, very basic like a say but IMO better than my old black widow Atb, Jack
  3. Thanks alot, nearly ordered them then saw what you all had to say, close shave lol, whats the main problem with them? Atb
  4. Looking at the Jack Pyke Countryman boots, wondered if anyone had an opinion on them or any thing else similair for around a £100, preferably high ankle ones. Thanks alot, Jack
  5. Thanks for all the information everyone, this was my first forum thread and all the advice and response has been great From your experience whats the best material to use? Jack
  6. If I see the equipment at a gamefair going cheap I'll probs give it go, I like to learn new skills, thanks for all the info everyone. Atb, Jack
  7. Ahh alot more complicated than I thought, will probably be cheaper to buy them made, thanks alot
  8. Hi, I was wondering if anyone had experience making there own purse nets? Is it difficult? Are there any decent links out there on how-to? Thanks, Jack
  9. Is Diploma in Countryisde and Enviroment basically gamekeeping?
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