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The Dog Man 2013

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Everything posted by The Dog Man 2013

  1. Sorry [BANNED TEXT] id of near cried especially if u had her from pup. Unless its happened to you how could u say what you do. if he didint lamp on he might of been in bits who carrys a spade with him but i would of went back and got her next day sorry mate
  2. Aswell rabbits and foxes is a 7 year cycle theres to many foxes at the minuet there less rabbits and when the foxes die down there will be more rabbits
  3. Any fancy a nights lamping with some time County down. I have permission for land teaming with game just no transport at the minuet to get to it
  4. Exactly the same here in the north of ireland. Farmers here still realease it at certain parts. i think there enough hunters now with out the need for it. and rabbits are scarce but foxes r getting there fair share aswell. u will know the rabbits have gone when foxes move closer to town
  5. Went beating cover today. Useless lol Need more dogs
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