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About Bustamunky

  • Rank
    Born Hunter
  • Birthday 07/12/1990

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  • Interests
    most feild sports, mainly fishing and running the dog

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  1. Not really dependent on the dog as im asking for past references?
  2. What i meant is before the ban started was the cross capable of more? Or just all round bunny bashers
  3. I have a lovely bitch who I run, bags bunnies nicely ferreting and runs the lamps spot on. My question is what is this perpercentage of cross really able to doing?
  4. it anyone in kent getting a few times on the lamp? my bitch is coming on nicey but needs abit of work wonder if anyone fancies a tag along on a night, got my own lamp and mt bitch is savvy with any dog
  5. No way, lets hope he passed them giant genes to his young
  6. hi tim im always around and my bitch is great little ferreting dog now, 100% with stock too
  7. my bitch for the season 14 months and fit as a fiddle!
  8. How long you had the dog? Be good to see before and after pictures?
  9. Mine are still young not had a full season, my beddy whippets in great shape, seen a few fluffys and had some great runs but mostly ferreting and watching etc
  10. I have 2 bitches, a bull grey and a beddy whippet. Now the bull grey has 1-2 whole rabbits a week and dry GAIN biscuits and wants more! The beddy whippet picks at a rabbit (not really keen on raw) And cheap wagg dry food as thats all she will eat, Both walked at least 2 miles a day minimal The bull grey is only just finding her feet but is still very puppy build even tho shes always running or bushing after something The beddy whip is well muscled and fast as the come at her age but out of say 3 hours walks shes only running 45 minutes of it the rest is by my side or tracking a
  11. How do you guys get your dogs in the fit conditions for working. Seen alot of dogs on the forums that are ripped to feck with muscles and others that look balanced
  12. Vets are pr!cks. When i had my beddy whippet jabbed he told me she wouldnt be any good fir working or breeding because shes a mongrel breed.... Then [BANNED TEXT] my bull grey was jabbed (dufferent vets) the tried to pressure my misses into booking her in for the spade and to buy there flea and worming treatments..They just money grabbers like these puppy peddlers you see!
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