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off the tether

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off the tether last won the day on March 6 2014

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277 Excellent

About off the tether

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    Mega Hunter

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  1. The only thing going north tweedy is the post man with your invite and a written copy of the club rules ha,ha,har ,,,,a,t,b,,,,O,T,T
  2. We could do with sending the members out info u,k and from now on even though I don't personally like them p,m's only there is some dodgy under cover chicken men on here lads be very careful lads wither be it dogs or chickens some people will go to any lengths don't let them sucker you in with there fantasied / lying stories you will not get a get out of jail free card from there crew its go to jail stay in jail and do not pass go guilty till proven innocent with these boys don't say you have not been warned boys and girls, but do not take my word for it look at the topic stolen birds and
  3. They look good strong chicks u,k, and very uniformed, you will not beat them northern SEARS, blood lines mate they are not a flash in the pan, that last a couple of years then back to the drawing board, them old lines last forever in the right hands, and a top breeder like yourself mate, good luck with them u,k top man a,t,b, your old pall,,,, O,T,T
  4. With good inside information from you jim but what would anybody exspect from a person that denies his own ethnic background you have just proved what a lying little cross bred mongrel you rely are a grass
  5. I think its time to put some personal messages up you got sent U,K ,don't you, a,t,b, O,T,T
  6. No delboy not in the slightest, its for the nob butler
  7. Must of fancied feathery legs as well as muffs U,K, but as you say a shame no mater what, don't know if there is any truth in it or not, but I heard they found him with his head in the oven with a caret up his ars, and a note in his back pocket, saying to his late family, do not let U,K have any of my hennie blood, seams like even in them circumstance he was thinking about his hennies, god love him, R,I,P another great as gone a,t,b, O,T,T
  8. Come on then rent a mouth explain yourself you fecking rent boy
  9. Must of past on wonder what his family done with his hennies ha,ha,har sorry can not stop got an argument going on with a paedophile on stolen birds a,t,b O,T,T
  10. As above can anybody on here tell me where as he gone as he died or what
  11. Yes and there is always a smart ars nob like you
  12. Thanks tweedy, altered since you seen them and I gave them an hair cut hay, bad chat about D,B dirty slimy scumbags want there balls kicking of anyway give you a bell cheers mate a,t,b, O,T,T
  13. What is said is said, and that's the end of it for me mate, we are all chicken men just with different views and everybody as got the right to have them, just because we don't agree on some things, don't mean I am right or he is right, its difference in opinions that's all, we are all trying to save our way of life how we like it and that to me is what it is all about a,t,b O,T,T
  14. You are welcome shamo, and thanks to everyone for there comments, a,t,b O,T,T
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