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Dan Davies

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Everything posted by Dan Davies

  1. Will they hunt the hedge through instinct? Or should encouragement be given ? Or try not to force them in
  2. What's the best way to encourage your dog to work a hedge and bush... Seems like a dummy question but dogs can be very reluctant ? Any advice welcome!
  3. Brilliant once again clean spade! I'm not going to rush into finding my self a Plummer! I want one from good working stock, I will go onto the page you mentioned and hope they've got something to suit my needs! I really do like the breed and would prefer to find a terrier rather than have to get a spaniel! Not a great lover of spaniels for some reason! I appreciate there abilities but there just to hyper for my liking! I Like a steady approach from a dog. Ino a lot of spaniel lovers will probably hunt me down for this because there spaniel is steady however that's my opinion!
  4. Do like plummers! That's why I'm so interested ! I'd just like to find a pup from working stock! I'm going to have to take on two terriers. One for digging and a bushing dog! Not gojng to take the risk of using one for both jobs!!! Brilliant pictures by the way clean spade
  5. thinking of getting a plummer terrier for bushing and beating thick cover/hedge rows. who uses plummers? where is the best place to find a decent puppy as they dont seem to be about on your usual purchase sites (pre loved). also peoples thoughts on the breed pros / cons. thanks
  6. How was that one bred yokel?! Sounds ideal! How did you get him knowing the difference
  7. It really is a recipe for disaster ! Think I'm going to just have to find a good terrier for digging work and another for bushing! This littler will be probably my first choice for the digging dog !
  8. In an ideal world we would love a terrier to do everything!!! To much to ask ino! But wouldn't it be great!!!!!
  9. what terriers do you use for solely "bushing"? ino of a very well bred litter of patt x jack russells! but the problem is with the patt is there so keen to go to ground! rightly so as thats how there bred. first choice bushing would be a good bedlington terrier! however thats personal preference, hard to find a good working line now though
  10. The sire is a digging dog through and through and wouldn't entertain bushing ! But that's how it's brought up/ bred for? However with the jack Russell what are the chances of them becoming more versatile
  11. The cross really suits my needs! And ino both parents! The sire is possibly one of the best dogs I've seen! However what do you think they'd be like at bushing and working cover?
  12. Brilliant info gents! My dad used to run a first x greyhound / deerhound! Personally think the deerhound isn't as common as it was back then? His thought was that the deerhound has replaced the bull x ! For good or for had he couldn't answer but he said a decent deerhound x would do the job as good as any! Can't agree more with the comments people have made about average lurchers being bred! But I also believe that is is the owners responsibility to get the most from a dog! Another question! Did you ever see a coursing bred dog x with a lamping type dog back then? Or is this a new ( ish ) thin
  13. Interesting conversation with the old man who claimed the standard of lurchers has dropped since he was running dogs.! He believes it's down to people breeding dogs left right and centre! I'm not old enough to comment on dogs from the 70s/80s but for the older dog man how do you think dogs have changed ? If so for better or worse?
  14. Brilliant advice! I really like the site and have been out with him a fair few times, maybe a bit hard for his own good some times! He's also quite a large dog so the though of being able to bring a pup on from the standard of him just a bit smaller sounds inviting! The point you made about knowing both dogs was spot on and I think ill probably have one
  15. does anyone work this cross? ino of a litter coming up of a very game patterdale stud and a nice jack bitch! brilliant dogs, am not sure wether to take one on or go for a patterdale. thanks
  16. Heard a few people saying they feed there dogs scrambled eggs before running ? Anyone else do/heard of this? Or feed there dogs?nor strongly disagree with feeding before running
  17. Thanks for the advice! What is the best way to get them to work a warren once they are ready to work? Or will this come through the amount of work they get?
  18. What's the best way to bring on working ferrets? So you get the best out of them? I've been told a few things! Just wondering peoples tricks and tips
  19. Jonny I mean his age is 8 months "yesterday" haha sorry for confusion! I've concerned the jumping in car today! Seems to have clicked this morning! So that's great! Just need to work on jumping obstacles
  20. He can jump find in the house will sit and jump on command! Just in the field he won't jump? He'd rather squeeze through a tiny gap! Thank for the posts!
  21. Hi all! Got a pup at 8 months old yesterday! Hes brilliant on everything in the house and his recall is good out of house ! However when were out he won't jump! He also won't jump into the back of the car, when in home I block door ways and he will jump on every command! However once in the field he doesn't want to no!! Any ideas or advice on coaxing him along!
  22. The reason I ask is because you see so many in rescue that if they were useful they could be taken on for good working dogs, I have been told they've got more speed than sense aswell! Not ye brightest of dogs. Cheers for your replies
  23. Personally I don't no anyone who works one! However does anybody either work one or no anyone who does?? There are a lot of ex racers which seem to be forgotten? Could they be turnt into good lamping dogs? Or do you get problems with them? ( i.e wind feet drive)
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