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About TGRdogo

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  1. thats one beefed up whippet been down the gym to much lol know a few humans like that
  2. we have a plague of them where i am
  3. theirs a couple going to mates n one going to a bloke who had a pup from her last litter, he rang me to tell me how well his dog was doing i mentioned that my bitch had just had another litter and he came round and put a deposit their and then i`ll be keeping one back myself, but with a litter of 11 that still leaves me a few to sell and i thought on here i Might Find Decent Working Homes for them. Yis Mars. ill get him to call you thanks mate
  4. hi mate, before the ban lol, my dog bandit a black 1/4 bull 3/4 grey ran many hes a very fast dog and gets up on them in no time and will course it till its court or gets into cover eg wood or through thick hedges that being the problem where i am not many huge open plains i would say hed get maybe 1 in 10 in daylight and 2 in 5 on the lamp the biggest i got was a female at 9 3/4lb , bandit is about 26inch 70lb have not met a 50 50 yet that could do it (not saying there isnt any) but havnt met one yet ,would love to see it if its possible
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