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Topsy krett

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Everything posted by Topsy krett

  1. get a picture of your bitch up mate she a cracker ta mate, here she is 17 months old now, photo was taken a while back
  2. Them pups are all looking real well, here's mine from the same litter
  3. Anyone use this? Is it any good compared to other massage oils like Virginia ambers etc?
  4. All the pups look real good rain, good job mate
  5. my bitch outa pip has got the exact same grey grizzle on her back as your pup, and it got thicker as she got older
  6. thanks for putting them on mate, me bitch is outa pip x a foxy/Charlie bitch, she is 25tts and me pup from rains litter is 20 1/2 tts and he don't stop trying to set about my other dogs lol
  7. it would be lovely to have a dog that ran on cue of the slip
  8. they are safe if there raw but I got told there full of bacteria and not good for dogs to much bacteria. But that's just what I got told
  9. Can anyone put some photos on for me? Please
  10. I've got some pics here of my 14 month old bitch outa pip and my pup from rains litter but I'm on a iPad and I can't upload the photos it says there to big anyone help?
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