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Everything posted by mackay

  1. Not in Kent going for a walk I wouldn't say.
  2. One for each hand, one for your mouth and a spare in case you get a puncture.
  3. I honestly think this is intentional, why I can't fathom out, but there is no rational explanation for carrying on down this road when it's looking like the whole country is going to be lit up.
  4. 500,000 country, rural and hunting folks marched peacefully through the streets of London and didn't leave a scrap of litter. I mean it worked for us, didn't it?. No hunting ban. Oh wait, hold that result. I think some of you lads are being a tad selective, if these protesters were protesting at the amounts of illegal migration, or legal for that matter, or anything you were in favour of. I've a notion the views might be slightly different.
  5. She hasn't got the balls, or has she ?.
  6. Divide and conquer, we're actually doing their job for them.
  7. Or how easily your masters could shut you down if you're naughty.
  8. 380 or there abouts and apparently seen the light.
  9. Now there's a name from the past. I actually thought he was dead.
  10. I hope it gets fcuking worse, a lot worse.
  11. But strangely enough no one died from the flu.
  12. How about the ss were supposed to take the shooter out after he actually shot Trump to tie up any loose ends so to speak.
  13. Because they are better at football?.
  14. I've got to say I have slightly higher expectations, I absolutely insist on a pulse.
  15. To be fair he'd still need the tetanus and antibiotics.
  16. That would be absolutely brilliant.
  17. Just watched Jess Phillips acceptance speech and how well it went down with the local muslims who wanted their own candidate in, what a feckin shambles. But you know what ?, serves her and her labour luvvies right. You reap what you sow. Call me a sad bstard, but I'm looking forward to this labour administration imploding and as sure as night follows day it will. Just a matter of how long. Truly blinded by their own hatred of Britain and you couldn't make it up they still want to bring in more of the same.
  18. It would be funny if it feckin wasn't.
  19. The far right ?, but never the far left.
  20. Aye, but she's spent three days searching in the Siam water park.
  21. What's the views on the information emerging that the reform guy caught making the remarks has turned out to be an actor?. To be fair he could just be a reform voting actor with hard line views. Given the timing though and the incredible good luck the undercover journalists had I'm a tad suspicious.
  22. And if you can afford to donate 100k to labour do you need to ?.
  23. That's shite mate, poor guys got a stutter.
  24. mackay

    Joe Biden

    Maybe a trapped fart that couldn't get out the bottom route.
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